Chapter 14

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"So, what happened between you and Tucker?" I asked as I sat next to him at dinner that night.

He shook his head. "It’s complicated. I don’t really feel like talking about it."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. I knew I had to play this up if I wanted to get the answers out of him that I needed. I scooted over closer to him in my chair. We were in a secluded table in the back, where hardly anyone could see us, so I decided why not take advantage of it?

I leaned in close to him, smelling his cologne, my lips barely touching his cheek.

"M—Megan?" I heard his voice crack which caused me to smile.

I kissed his cheek, and gave him another kiss, making my way to his lips. And when I reached his lips, I kissed him hard, acting as if I couldn’t get enough. And when I felt his hands on my back, I pulled away and sighed, "That was nice."

He nodded, looking around to make sure no one saw the make out session. "Yeah," He was breathless.

"You know, I feel like I can talk to you about anything. I can tell you all of my secrets."

He gave a little smile. "Really?"

I nodded. "Yeah. What about you? Do you feel you can tell me all of your secrets?"

I chose this exact moment to take out my li gloss and reapply it, trying to be seductive. I, personally, didn’t think it was working, but I saw him swallow hard as he watched me. Wow, I didn’t know I had so much power.

If Miles was a typical guy, he would answer the way I wanted him to if he thought he was going to get one thing out of me. There was no way I would ever sleep with Miles. Like I said before, he’s a good guy…just not for me.

So I wasn’t surprised when he said, "Y—Yeah."

"So, tell me something you’ve never told anyone."

He looked down at the table before looking back up at me. "I always acted like it never bothered me, but actually, there was a girl who broke my heart."

I raised an eyebrow. Sure, this wasn’t what I was looking for, but it was interesting.

"I fell in love with her, but one day I walked in on her and Tucker."

Okay, so this was what I wanted to hear.

He sighed, staring off into the distance, remembering his memory. "He swore she came onto him, but I didn’t believe it. I mean our friendship was already on the rocks. After we stole that car and he got put in prison while I didn’t, he always said I abandoned him." He suddenly looked up at me before saying, "I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m telling you about this. You probably don’t want to hear about my problems."

I shook my head as I scooted over even closer and grabbed his hand. "It’s fine. You need to let it out. It’s not healthy to keep it bottled up."

I admit, when those words came out of my mouth, it made me sick. I felt like a horrible person and was sounding more like Dr. Phil every time I spoke. I honestly didn’t know which was worse. Miles didn’t deserve me. I was only playing him. He seemed to care about me, while I didn’t at all.

He gave me a smile before speaking. "I remember our great friendship. We had so much fun, causing trouble." He laughed as he shook his head. "Okay, get this. One time we were drunk and apparently I dared him to put on a woman’s bra and underwear and dance to Single Ladies." He laughed again. "I caught it on video. And let me tell you, when I woke up the next morning, it was a huge surprise to find that video. He told me I better delete it. But of course I didn’t."

He sighed as my eyebrows shot up. This was an amazing opportunity. I could get that video somehow and play it in front of the entire school. No one would be afraid of a guy they saw dancing in a bra and panties to Single Ladies. No one would let Tucker Branch bully them anymore.

My heart began pounding as I leaned in and whispered, "Let’s get outta here."

He eagerly nodded as he put a couple of bills on the table. We stood up and walked out of the restaurant.

"Your place?" I asked, hanging onto his arm.

He nodded with a smile on his face as he led the way to his car.

I was a horrible, horrible person.


I got out of the car and stared at the mansion in front of me. "Whoa," I whispered as Miles came around to my side of the car and grabbed my hand. "This is your house?" I asked, amazed.

He let out a chuckle. "Yeah. Pretty cool huh?"

"Cool? Are you kidding? Four of my houses probably fit in this."

He pulled me inside the house and I heard myself draw in my breath. "Amazing," I whispered, too quiet for Miles to hear.

"Would you like a tour?"

I nodded enthusiastically. He guided me around the first floor, showing me the living room, bathroom, and kitchen. Then he took me to the second floor, showing me the office and four guest rooms.

Then he took me to the third floor showing me the gym, the movie theater, his dad’s room, a bathroom, and finally, his room.

I was in shock by the time we reached his room. He opened up his door and I walked in, sitting down on a chair. "Your house is awesome."

He shrugged. "Yeah, it’s cool I guess."

"You’re crazy."

Sighing he said, "I don’t know. I guess it just gets pretty lonely here at times."

I nodded, pretending like I understood, when really I didn’t know what it felt like.

I took in his large room and right away spotted the video camera and next to it were at least two dozen cds, all labeled.

"Wow, OCD much?"

He let out a nervous chuckle. "I just like order. It makes things easier."

I smiled as I shook my head at this strange, strange boy when suddenly his phone rang. He took it out of his pocket, looking at the screen, before looking at me. "I have to take this, sorry."

"It’s fine." He walked out, shutting the door behind him. As soon as he was gone, I shot up and ran towards the cds.

I dug through the pile, quickly looking for the one of Tucker drunk.

Two minutes later, there was still no luck at all. I groaned silently, just knowing Miles could return at any moment. I heard his voice coming closer as I flipped through the cds even quicker. And that’s when I found it. It was labeled "Single Ladies." I straightened up the pile as I heard the handle on the door begin to turn and I ran back to the chair I was in, stuffing the cd in my purse and pulling out my phone.

"Oh, yeah, Dad. Sure," I said to a silent phone as Miles walked in. I rolled my eyes, pretending to act annoyed. "Fine, you said my curfew was ten tonight, but fine. I guess nine will just have to do." I groaned as I clicked off my phone. "Miles, I’m really sorry. It’s just my dad…."

"I understand. And it’s not like this is our last date." He laughed as I laughed alongside him. Honestly, I didn’t know if I would need another date with Miles or if I already had enough humiliating evidence to take Tucker Branch down.


I have uploaded a lot lately. Just a warning: enjoy it while it lasts. School starts next I'll probably be busy. I hope you liked the chapter. And I have basically the entire rest of the story already written, so there are probably going to be around 10 chapters left, maybe a little more.

So, vote and comment please :)


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