Bullying the Bully Chapter 4

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Karen and I walked into the house after school that day. As usual, she headed straight towards her room, ignoring me completely, while I grabbed a pillow from the couch and screamed in it.

Of course I would end up in this situation. It was just my luck. Why did my uncle pick the one school filled with bad people? There were so many other options. Option 1: Not expelling me. That would have been great, but no. The people who are really the bullies only go home for a few days on a suspension, while I have to go to an entirely new school and make new friends.

I heard the door open and close, cutting through my thoughts. "Hey, Megs."

There he was. Adam. Adam was Karen's gorgeously hot boyfriend, and also our next door neighbor. They've been neighbors forever, so he just walks right in the house anytime. Why did I have to be completely in love with the same boy my cousin was in love with? It wasn't fair. She got everything over me! The looks, the boyfriend, and the parents.

Every time I see Karen with her parents, I always feel a pang of jealousy. I wish my parents had wanted me, but instead they decided to leave me with my uncle when I was eleven years old. No one ever told me the full story, claiming I was too young, but here I was at sixteen, knowing just as much about why they left as when I was eleven. Sure, no one ever admitted it to my face, but they didn't love me anymore. It was that simple.

"Megan?" Adam asked again, as I stood up from the couch.

"Oh, sorry. Hey, Adam. How are you?"

"Pretty good," He said, flashing a dazzling smile that made my heart speed up a little. His blond hair hung in his bright blue eyes. It wasn't too long, but just right. He usually wore shorts and some old t-shirt, yet somehow he managed to make his outfits look extremely hot. Yes, basically Adam was beautiful.

"So, I hear you got sent to another school." I nodded. Oh yeah, Adam is also two years older than us, so he doesn't go to Karen's school anymore.

Sighing, I said, "Yep. And it is pure torture." I layed back down on the couch.

He sat next to me as he laughed, which caused my insides to melt. His smile always brightened up my day. "Don't worry, Megan. It will get better. I promise." And, as if he knew he drove me crazy, he sent me a wink! My heart began to beat crazy, and my breath became rigid. I had it bad.

"Adam!" Karen's nasally voice cried as she ran down the stairs to greet him.

"Baby," He called back, giving her a passionate kiss on the lips, and breaking my heart with every second he held her.

"Hey, loser, we'll be back later. Tell my mom and dad so they don't get worried." She shot me a glare, as Adam gave me one last smile before leaving.


"So, Megan. How was school today?" Uncle Tim asked me as Aunt Linda, Uncle Tim, Becka, Amy, and I all sat around eating dinner.

"Good," I mumbled, still slightly pissed about the school he was making me attend.

"Did you make any friends?" Becka asked.

Hm, if being hired as scaring off the bully of a girl's younger brother counts as a friend, then sure.

"Yep," I said, pushing my broccoli to the side of my plate. Really, what is the point of broccoli? It's disgusting, and looks like a tree. Ew.

"Megan, you should eat your vegetables," Aunt Linda scolded. How sad, here I was, a sixteen year old, being told to eat my veggies.

"Did you get any boyfriends?" Amy asked.

"Nope," I said. Leave it to Amy to ask the big question. She and Becka were so annoying.

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