Chapter 20

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The days passed with no word from Tucker. He hadn’t been in school, and no one had heard from him. It made me feel like an evil person.

I was walking down the hallway when my name was called over the loudspeaker, telling me to report to the principal’s office. My heart pounded on the way there. I knew Tucker probably told his dad I was behind the video being leaked but what was my punishment going to be? I considered all of the options Mr. Branch was probably going to give me as I made my long decent towards the principal's office.

When I arrived, I saw Mr. Branch was already standing up, waiting for me inside. Yet, I was extremely surprised to see Uncle Tim sitting in a chair facing his desk.

I hesitantly walked in and sat in the second empty seat, waiting for my punishment.

"Miss Greene," Mr. Branch spoke, his loud booming voice echoing throughout the room.

I bit my lip, avoiding eye contact with Uncle Tim. Oh, no. Why did he have to call Uncle Tim? I would be so dead for sure once we got home.

"Your uncle tells me you now have the opportunity to go back to your old school."

My heart pounded with relief as I looked at a smiling Uncle Tim. Okay...I wasn't expecting this. "What?"

"Well, you have been doing great and staying out of trouble so I figured it’s time for you to come back."

I looked down at my hands, knowing I didn’t deserve to go back. I had been awful, and the boy I hurt the better heart even if he didn't seem like he didn't. He kept his mouth shut about everything. He didn't want to hurt me.

"So, Mr. Branch here just has to sign a few papers then you’ll officially be back."

No, I couldn't so this. I would be running away if I suddenly got up and left. It wouldn't be right. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, just knowing I had this guilt. So, I found it not that hard when I looked back up at Uncle Tim and uttered the words I never thought would leave my mouth, "I’m not going."

Confusion swarmed his face. Yes, this wasn't exactly the best school seeing as how most of the people here had probably been to jail before, but I couldn't leave. "But, Megan. I thought this was what you wanted."

"I thought so too. But, Uncle Tim, there are people here who need me. I’m sorry you wasted time coming here." I stood up looking at Mr. Branch. "Are we done?" He gave a little nod as I turned and walked out of the office.

I couldn’t believe I did that, but in my heart, it felt right. And I knew there was one thing I needed to do.

I needed to take Savannah Rodrick down.

I walked down the empty hall, spotting Savannah at her locker. I quickly made my way up to her, anger raging inside me. "Oh, hey, Megan." She said, acting just as cheerful as the day I met her. I wasn’t going to fall for that crap anymore.

"Cut the crap."

She raised an eyebrow. "You shouldn’t talk to me that way."

"Or else what? You gonna get daddy to expel me again?"

She gave a small smile. "Wow, you and I are more alike than I knew."

I shook my head in disgust. "I am nothing like you. You are a selfish—"

"—Hey, you’re selfish too. You’re the one who chose yourself over Tucker."

She shut her locker. "He’s a great kisser, isn’t he?" She giggled. "Then again, so is Miles. Which one did you like the best?"

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