Chapter 10

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I was walking down the hall with my books in my hands, heading towards my locker before first period on Monday morning. I snuck around, trying desperately to avoid Miles, but without much luck, he was waiting at my locker. He hadn't spotted my yet, and as I stood there I thought about running the other way, trying to hide from him the whole day. But I knew this conversation had to happen eventually. The way he casually leaned against my locker brought back memories from our date on Friday.


I wore jeans and a cute shirt, wearing my hair down with simple make up. Our date was at seven, and just as I finished getting ready, the doorbell rang. Right on time.

I opened the door to find Miles looking just as hot as ever, with that perfect smile and a dimple on his left cheek.

"Hi," He said.

"Hey," I realized I as probably blushing.

He looked behind me. "Uh, do you want me to meet you parents or anything?"

I was impressed, I admit. He was willing to meet the parents, but I wasn't ready for that. They would probably scare him off. And it's not like they even wanted to anyway. They didn't care what I did. SO I just shook my head and yelled, "I'll be back later."

I walked through the door as Miles shut it behind me. "Well, you look amazing tonight." He said as we walked down the pathway to his car.

I almost let out a giggle. Yes, you read that right: A giggle. I don't giggle, but it was with great force that I had to hold it back.

"Thanks, you too." He flashed a smile as he opened my door for me as I got in.

He shut it once I was inside and looked around, admiring the nice interior. Gotta love a Porsche.

"You know," I said once he was inside the car. "I never realized how nice of a car you have."

He started the car, giving me another smile. "Thanks. Birthday present from my dad."

"Is your dad rich or something?"

He nodded as he began to drive. "Yeah. He owns Calvin's Coffee Shop."

My eyebrows shot up in pure amazement. "There's a whole chain of those."

"And they're starting in England."

I shook my head. "Wow. It must be nice."

He shrugged. "I guess. He just works a lot so I never get to see him."

A pang of pity shot through me. "I'm sorry. Do you see your mom?"

He stopped at a red light. "She died."

"Oh, my gosh. I'm sorry. i didn't mean to bring it up."

He shook his head, almost laughing at my reaction. "It's fine. She died when I was four. So I don't remember her much." He looked over at me. "So, what about you? What do your parents do?"

I bit my lip, as I looked out the window. I didn't want to get into the situation with my parents. It hurt too much. So instead I said, "My dad's a principal and my mom stays home."

I avoided eye contact but from the corner of my eye I could see him nod. "Any siblings?"

"Uh, three sisters." And even though they were my cousins, over the years they had really grown into my sisters.

"I wish I had siblings. I'm the only child. And let me tell you, it's boring.

I nodded in agreement, remembering how when things used to be normal and I was the only child, I was so bored and always envied those of my friends who had siblings.

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