Bullying the Bully Chapter 3

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Monday came too quickly. Karen sat in the driver's seat in front of my school, staring at it with disgust. "This is your new school?"

"Yep." I whispered, watching the people that were going in. Some guys had piercings and tattoos covering their bodies while giving out a death glare to anyone that looked at them. The girls also had tattoos and crazy color in their hair.

"Wow, that sucks for you."

I silently agreed with her as I stepped out of the car, walking towards hell.

Ten minutes later, I managed to find my way to the office and went to the receptionist to pick up my schedule.

"Here you go," She said, scowling and handing me a map.

"Um, thanks," I said, before walking out, somehow knowing her rude behavior was just the first of many.

The first step I made out of the office was terrifying, seeing all the scary looking people, but knowing I couldn't turn back. There was a fist fight going on in the middle of the hall, while teachers stood around, looking bored. The other students continued to talk to each other, acting as if the fight were a normal thing. No one was trying to stop them. A lot of people were glaring at me, yet I tried to ignore the uncomfortable feeling I was getting.

The bell rang, causing only a few students to go to class. The fight continued, and it also continued to be ignored, while the teachers walked off, talking to one another. I stood there, with my map in one hand, and the schedule in the other while the occasional student rushed past me, not giving me a second look.

What have I gotten myself into?


"Room 306," I muttered to myself as I walked down the slightly empty hallways. Room 302, no, 304, nope, then 306.

I stood in front of it, holding the handle, terrified of what I would find waiting for me. Without giving myself anymore time to think, I opened the door, causing all eyes to go on me.

I looked over at the teacher, who rose his head to look at me. "Hi, I'm Megan Greene, and I'm new here."

I handed him my schedule, and he just looked at it before handing it to me. "Hello, Miss Greene, I am Mr. Pickett. Now don't try to make any jokes about that name, because believe me, I've heard them all."

I took the schedule slowly, but he continued. "Go find an empty seat. Do whatever, go wherever."

Are you kidding me? That was your motto? I have never had a teacher tell me this before, but honestly, I didn't mind too much.

I turned around tentatively to face the class. Some people were glaring, some were laughing, and others didn't really care. I made my way to the back, where an empty desk was.

"Hey, new girl, you're in Tucker's seat." I looked over to my right to see a tall, buff guy staring at me.

"Excuse me?"

"That's Tucker's seat," He repeated.

"Well, Tucker doesn't seem to be in it."

He glared at me while saying, "Don't get smart with me, girl, cuz I can make your life a living hell."

I rolled my eyes, and shook my head, "It's a living hell even without your help."

"You're gonna be sorry." He muttered, turning away from me. Like I hadn't heard that before.

I rolled my eyes, just sitting there, and taking in the new classroom while everyone talked.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and everyone grew quiet.

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