Chapter 18

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Yes, it's been a while, I know. But I'm back and am ready to try and finish this story. Of course once I'm done I'm going to go back and edit the whole story, making it a lot better. But for right now...there's only a few chapters left. I hope you enjoy! Not edited!

Vote and comment!!



I cleared my throat, looking down at the menu. "I'l have an iced tea, please." I said, pretending to be very interested in the ingredients of a lasagna.

"Coke." I heard Miles mutter, but I didn't have the courage to look up. I would see Tucker and knew I would break down. I would apologize about everything, about the rude things I said, the humiliating things I will put him through, and the fact that I'm on a date with his enemy.

Tucker walked away before I looked up at a scowling Miles. "You know...if you're uncomfortable, we can leave." I offered, silently praying that he would say yes.

Instead he fiercly shook his head. "No, we are here to have a good time. We can't just leave because Tucker is our waiter. It's my fault, anyways. I forgot Tucker worked a second job."

I gave a fake smile, "All righty then." I returned to my menu, suddenly losing my appetite. Yeah, I knew this was going to be a crappy evening already, but having Tucker here made it even worse. I bit my lip, the words I was reading became blurred as I thought about the fact that I would have to stay here all night, listenening to Miles speak rudely to our waiter and knowing our waiter hates me. Could my life be any worse?

An iced tea appeared on the table in front of me. I looked up to give Tucker a quick thank you, only to find him looking back at me. "Thanks," I said, barely audible, but he just nodded his head. A look of pain flashed through his eyes, causing my heart to break even more.

A crash inturrupted our staring, and we both looked up only to find Miles's coke had been spilled. "Whoops," he said, without any emotion, except for one: Anger. Tucker grabbed the cup and walked away, causing me to send a glare in Miles's direction. Another waiter came to our table and began to clean up the soda as I continued to glare at Miles. He wasn't looking me, but I could tell he knew he was receiving evil looks for me.

Once the waiter left I spoke up. "What was that all about?" I whispered, crossing my arms.

"What was that all about?" He retorted angrily, finally looking at me.

"What was what?" I asked, biting my lip.

"You know what, don't play dumb with me."

I rolled my eyes, assuming he was talking about the moment I had with Tucker. "I don't know what you're talking about, Miles." I lied.

"You and Tucker were practically gazing into each other's eyes! Anyone could sense there is something going on between you two."

"There is nothing going on between Tucker and me!"

Miles shook his head, giving out a humorless laugh. "Sure, Megan, sure. You just play every guy who shows a vague interest in you."

I grit my teeth together in annoyance from his comment. "You don't know anything about me."

"I know you like Tucker."

I remained silent, my anger getting the best of me.

"Megan, I like you, I really do. But I don't appreciate when you are on a date with me, making googly eyes with our waiter who also happens to be the world's biggest asshole."

"No, Miles. Tucker is not an asshole. But you know what. You are." I stood up, throwing my napkin on the table. "We're done here, we're done forever." I turned to walk away, trying not to be embarrassed by all of the people watching the scene. And I expecially tried not to look over where I had spotted Tucker who had been standing back with Miles's soda, trying not to inturrupt the scene.

I felt a grip on my arm and I struggled to get free. "No, Megan. Please, wait."

I turned around reluctantly, giving Miles another well deserved glares. "What?'

He sighed, looking into my eyes with an apologetic look. "I--I" And then he kissed me.

To say the kiss was magic was way off. Well, you know, if you call a guy trying to stick his tongue down your throat, and groping your butt in the middle of an elegant resteraunt magic, then hell yes. It was like Tinkerbell sprayed her magic pixie dust on us, yet I stood there, not kissing back, only thinking about how disgusted I was, and finally managed to push Miles off of me....resulting in a hard slap on his face.

"It's a good thing you and Tucker aren't friends anymore. He's too good for you." Tears appeared in my eyes as I turned around and began to run. I ran past all the people watching the scene and past the people at the front desk who were staring at me with quizzical expressions. I opened the door and began to run down the sidewalk and towards my car, tears now falling down my face. I know, I know. I did use Miles, so I shouldn't have been so upset that Miles used me just to show Tucker that he has something Tucker doesn't. Yet here there I was, running and crying because of Tucker. Yes, not the one who gave me the most awful kiss ever, but the boy who had nothing to do with it, yet everything to do with it at the same time.

"Megan." I heard my name being called, causing me to shake my head as I ran towards my car. I was not going to talk to Miles right now.

"Megan." The second time I heard my name I finally realized...that wasn't Miles. I abruptly came to a stop and turned around to face Tucker.

He ran up to me with a look of worry on his face. "Megan, are you ok?" He asked, not even out of breath, looking just amazing as always, yet here I was, tears running down my face, hardly able to breathe, and probably looking horrible.

"Tucker, I'm so sorry." I said, completely ignoring his question. "Just ignore the things I said...but please don't talk to me."

"What, Megan, why?"

I shook my head, not able to look at him. "It's complicated." I sighed, beginning to back up. "I should go."

"No, Megan. Don't." I looked up at Tucker's face, only to be sucked in by his beautiful eyes. "Please, stay." He whispered the last word as he walked up to me, until he was finally a few inches from me, and each second that passed by, he got closer and closer, until our lips met.

Until I was kissing Tucker Branch.

This kiss was amazing. Nothing like kissing Miles. This was passionate, and on the plus side, Tucker wasn't trying to stick his tongue down my throat. It was pure magic, the way our lips moved together, creating tingles throughout my body.

I was the first to pull away, and both of us were breathing hard. We stood there in silence, taking in all that just happened, until I looked up at Tucker. "Megan, I think I'm in love with you." He whispered those words, which caused my heart to flutter even more, something I didn't know was possible.

Yet looking in Tucker's eyes just reminded me about who I had to be loyal to and what was going to happen tomorrow the next morning. I quickly stepped back from Tucker, noticing the sudden look of hurt in his eyes. "I can't do this." I said, turning around, leaving Tucker behind. I was still shaky from the kiss, and as much as I wanted to stay there in his arms, I just couldn't.

So I did what I did best. I ran away.

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