4. "What future?"

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''So what do you want to do?'' I ask Justin. Might as well be straight forward and let him know that I have no clue as to what I'm supposed to say or do right now.

''I don't know, I think we should get to know each other better.'' he replies.

I hum in response. ''How, though?''

''Um, wanna play 20 questions?'' he smiles.

''Really, Justin?''

''Sure, why not? What have you got to lose?''

''Yeah, but we're not twelve anymore.''

''True that. Which brings me to my first question - how old are you, Ash?'' he grins.

''Oh, we're just gonna ask basic questions, cool.'' I say, smiling. I don't even know why I'm smiling. But whatever. ''Fine. I'm 18. You?''

''I'm 20.'' He responds. ''Your turn.''

Oh God, now I have to think of a question. How do I even do that? I'm already awkward and now he wants me to ask him a question? What if I invade his privacy?

Maybe I should ask about Nat, that wouldn't harm anyone, right?

''Ummmmm. Where do you know Nat from?''

Justin perks his eyebrows up in surprise. ''Cool question.'' He smirks. Shit, I've embarrassed myself.

''Oh s-sorry.'' I start to apologize.

He smiles softly. ''Why are you apologizing?''

''Anyways, I met Nat about three years ago at a fair. Super cliché. I bumped into her and we introduced ourselves and well, we've grown to be real good friends since then.'' He smiles.

''Oh, right, it's my turn again. Um, what do you see yourself doing in the future?''

Before I know it, the words spill out of my mouth. ''What future?'' I huff.

And then I realize what I just said. My eyes open wide and I look at him in embarrassment. He looks at me, questioning what I meant, but I try to change the subject, by coughing.

''Uh, I mean, I want to move to LA and do something with tv or movies. They've always fascinated me.''

''Nice save, babe.'' he smirks. ''But what did you mean, though?''

I keep silent. I really don't wanna answer that question.

''Ashley?'' he looks at me, with soft eyes.

''Ugh, I just. I've been in this apartment for two years. I just don't think I'll really have a nice future, you know? I'm scared I'll be locked up here forever. You know, by my own mistake, obviously. But still. I'm too scared to go out and meet people. And I have a reason to, so don't question me on that. It's just - I've not really thought about my dreams for the future in a while. I guess I've been caught up in that one moment. You know?''

He slowly nods. ''I do know. Don't worry, you'll have your future. You'll get back on your feet.''

''How do you know?''

''I just do.'' He flashes me a smile.

''Let's do something else, you were right, this is pretty boring for people our age.''

I laugh at his words and nod. ''Sure, what do you wanna do, then?''

He looks at me and I can see that he's thinking. His eyes squint a bit and he licks his lips, whilst he is deep in thought. ''I don't know, I can't really think of anything. Wanna just play a game or make some food, or something? What do you do for fun?''

I look at him in surprise. ''Um, I watch tv. I do have some board and card games in the cupboard right there.'' I point to a closet besides my kitchen. ''But I've not played any of them in a really long while.'' I continue.

''Well, we better change that around then, right babe?'' he winks and walks towards the cupboard to open it up. ''Let's see - monopoly, scrabble, UNO. mmm.''

''Let's play UNO, I used to love that game!'' I screech. ''Oh sorry, haha....''

''Let's do it.'' he answers.

And so we play UNO. For the rest of the afternoon. Until Nat & Mike walk into my apartment again. We all have dinner and as we all sit at the table, Justin starts a conversation.

''So, guys, I was thinking...'' he starts.

We all look at him, waiting for him to continue.

Nat starts to laugh. ''That's new!'' she blurts out. I laugh along with her, and soon we're all just one bubble of laughter. But when the laughter dies down, Justin clears his throat.

''Okay, but, guys, for real now.'' he smiles.

We all await his idea. ''So, I thought it would maybe be a good idea for you to go outside, Ashley. Not alone. I'll take you. We could go to the park right outside your apartment. It will be a one minute walk, and we won't be outside for too long. This way, you can get used to being outside again. You don't necessarily have to talk to anyone. We could just enjoy the park for a bit. I'll be your talking buddy. And we could go back to your apartment any time you'd want to. You could get used to fresh air again. I think it would be good for you. What do you all think?''

Silence overwhelmes us as everyone thinks about his idea.

Nat starts. ''I mean, it's a pretty good idea.'' She looks at me carefully. ''It's pretty darn smart. I mean, you have the power here, but I think you should do it.''

Mike chimes in. ''Yeah, me too.''

Justin smiles warmly at me. ''Ashley?''

I stare blankly at his face. ''Um. I- I g-guess.'' I stutter.

They all look at me, silently pleading me to accept. ''Fine, I'll do it. But just because it will make you guys happy. And we're going back as soon as I don't want to be outside anymore.'' I point warningly at Justin, but he just nods and smiles.

''Of course.'' he states honestly.

Mike and Nat look at each other and then both say ''We're so proud of you for doing this, Ash.''

I smile at them. With restraint. What if something goes wrong, though?

All alone, or so it seemed (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now