13. "Are you gonna sob again?"

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I slowly turn around to find Trent, the one and only, standing there, his arms crossed in front of his torso and his eyes as cold as eyes can be.

Justin looks at him too, and takes a step forward, standing diagonally in front of me, as a means of defending me. Thank God he's here and thank God I told him about Trent. I don't know what I would've done otherwise, considering that we're at the beach, a car ride away from my safe apartment building. There is no option for me to run right now. There is no fight or flight. There is only fight. Or, you know, not replying and walking towards the car.

I think about this quote that I hear, like, all the time.

When life hands you lemons, squeeze lemonade. Or you could use the lemons and throw them at people. I like that one better, obviously.

But I have no idea how I'm supposed to get out of this mess. Trent's here. ShIT.

''Hello, Ashley darling. Are you gonna say hi to me today, or are you gonna sob again?''

A growl escapes my lips. ''Trent, please leave me, us, alone.''

''Us, aye?'' he smirks. ''I don't think so, darling.'' he takes a step forward, threatening to touch me, but Justin takes a step to the right so that I'm fully behind him now.

''Don't come near her.'' he spits out. He looks really angry. I'd really rather not have this ending in a fight.

''Come on, Justin, let's go.'' I pull his arm and cautiously take a few steps.

Trent takes another step and he's in front of me now. I see Justin wanting to step in between us again, but stop him with my hand, sending him a message by looking at him, hoping he'll understand.

''Trent, please. Let's just stop this bullshit. You don't like me, I don't like you. So how about we leave each other alone, yeah?''

''Where did you get the idea I don't like you, darling?'' Trent grumbles.

''What are you talking about?'' I look at him, a bewildered expression on my face.

I look at Justin, confused, and he looks at me, shrugging.

''I don't hate you, Ashley darling.''

''Then why do you always have to make my life a living hell?'' I yell. The words leave me and I instantly regret them.

''Because if I can't have you, no one can.''

''Oh, shut up, Trent. This is all crap. You hate me and you know it. You always called me names. You always pushed me around. I didn't even date in high school! So that can't have been the reason. Now please leave us alone!'' I yell and take a step backwards, tears threatening to spill.

''Now, now, Ashley darling, no need to lash out at me like that.'' he slaps me. And that's when I knew Justin and I had to get out of there, because otherwise it would end badly.

I ran towards Justin and pulled him with me. ''Goodbye, Trent.''

- Justin's pov -

Trent. What an asshole. I notice the confused and cautious look on Ashley's face. She runs towards me and pulls my arm, motioning to walk with her. She's desperately wanting to leave. I want to leave too. I know that if we don't leave now, I'm gonna hurt this son of a bitch. He has no right to talk to Ashley the way he does. She's not his property. And she doesn't deserve to be threatened and hit.

I grab her hand and walk with her, looking at her cheek and her facial expression, to see if she's holding up alright. I can hear Trent's right behind us, but I see Ashley wanting to keep walking, desperately trying not to turn around. Her eyes are watery and her lip is trembling, but she's staying strong for now. She probably doesn't want Trent to see her like this.

The way she looks right now, it makes me feel like I need to help her. I can't let her go through this alone. I have to let her know that she's not alone. She has her brother and Nat. And ultimately, she has me. I will be there for her. I don't know why I feel the need to protect her, I mean, I've only just met her a couple of days ago, but she just intrigues me in some way. I don't really understand why, but I feel the need to hold her and I can't get her out of my head.

I squeeze Ashley's hand, trying to comfort her, but at that same moment Trent decides to push my shoulder and that's when I know something's gonna happen. I wanna keep on walking but my feet abruptly stop and my hand loosens its grip on Ashley's hand.

I turn around and immediately I get knocked off my feet. Literally. Fucking hell.

Ashley falls down on her knees beside me. I can't see, all I can see is darkness, but I can feel her hands on my face.

''WHAT THE FUCK, TRENT?'' She screams. Her voice breaks. I know she's crying, but I can't see her. She yells for help and I can hear bystanders coming near. I sit up, slowly regaining my sight, speckle by speckle.

When my sight is completely recovered, I see that Ashley's eyes are red and puffy and she looks frightened. But Trent is nowhere to be seen. She softly touches my face. ''Are you okay, Justin? I'm so sorry.'' The tears keep rolling down her face.

I quickly embrace her. ''I'm okay, babe, don't worry.'' I squeeze her sides to comfort her, before I pull away. ''Where did Trent go?'' I reply, softly smiling at her to assure her that I'm fine.

''He ran when these lovely people came to help me.'' she replies. She points to a couple, looking concerned. She stands up and looks at them. ''Thank you so much.''

They nod. ''Do you need any help?'' they look at me, now.

''No, I think we're good. Thank you, though.'' I reply. They nod again and walk off.

I look at Ashley again and notice the tears are still rolling down her face.

''Are you sure you're okay, Justin? I'm so so- I'm so sorry.'' she cries.

I extend my arms and run my fingers through her hair and then slowly move my hands to cup her face. ''I'm alright, baby girl. Are you? Are you okay, Ashley?''

''I g- guess.'' she nods frantically.

''Are you really?'' I repeat.

''I'm just a bit shaken up. I'll be fine.'' She replies.

''Can you drive, though?'' she continues.

''Sure I can, it's just a bruised eye, Ash.'' I smile at her and stand up.

I better get her home safely and make sure she's okay.

I'm not fully convinced yet.

All alone, or so it seemed (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now