30. "Duh, I got you."

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By 8 pm, most of the guests had arrived. I hadn't met many of them before, but all of them seemed pretty cool.

At 8:30 pm, Justin walked into the room with a blindfolded Nathalia by his side.

"Can I take this goddamned thing off, yet?" Nat asked impatiently.

Justin just laughed at her frustration and looked at me for an answer. I nodded and Justin told Nat to open her eyes.

All of us were standing in the middle of the room, which was sort of a 'mingle/dance floor' type of thing. Nat took off her blindfold and, on cue, we all yelled "Surprise".

Nat gasped and looked startled, as she took in the sight in front of her. And then she ran up to me and Kitty and pulled us both in for a huge bear hug at the same time.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is amazing." She whispered. She pulled away and walked upto some of her other friends to start off the party. I decided to talk to Justin for a sec.

"Hey babe,"

"Hi Ash." He smiled, "This looks pretty amazing, you girls should be proud. I'm sure Nat loves it."

"Thank you for your help." I smiled fondly and he returned the smile.

"Don't thank me, baby, it was nothing."

"So, are you going to Mike's bachelor party?" I asked him.


"Don't hook up with other girls." I pointed at him, jokingly, because I trusted him.

He laughed. "Duh, I got you." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "You stay away from all these chicks." He smirked.

"Duh, I got you." I mimicked him and he laughed at my reply.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. I hummed in response and he kissed my temple before turning around and leaving the party.

I decided to be brave and walked up to the stage. I grabbed the microphone an started.

"Hi everyone, can I have your attention for a sec?"

Everyone's eyes darted towards me and I swallowed, as I felt the familiar feeling bubble up.

"Uh - First of all, welcome. Welcome to the most magical of bachelorette parties you'll ever attend." I winked. The girls laughed and the nerves died down a bit. I continued, "So, I had this idea that we could all use this stage. The plan was for everyone to step up and tell a story about Nat or about Nat and Mike together, or just say something that has to do with them. This way we all get to reminisce and realise how special this weekend is going to be. So, I guess I'll start then? But not before we've all grabbed a drink." I grinned.

After everyone had their glass of champagne, except for Nat of course, I took a sip and continued, "So yeah, I just wanna start of with expressing my gratitude. I owe so much to you, Nat. I'm not only thankful for the fact that you've always been there for me, even when we just met, but also for making my brother so incredibly happy. I wanna thank you for being the best sister-in-law I could ever have and I can't wait to meet your little girl. I promise to always be there for you, like you've been for me, no matter what happens. I promise to be the best auntie I could be to your princess and I can only hope and dream of things in the future. Of course, I only wish you happiness and greatness in the future, with your little family. I guess that's it for the cheesiest of cheesy speeches. I guess all it comes down to is: thank you for everything and I love you, Nat." I smile.

Nat wipes her eyes and smiles back at me. "Thank you, Ash, I love you too."

I giggle. "Who's next, bitches?"

Laughter erupts and soon a line is made for the speeches. This is gonna be one hell of a night. But a fun one, that's for sure.

All alone, or so it seemed (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now