5. "Usually people just assume."

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It's the next day. At the moment it's 5 minutes to 10AM and I feel like crying. I'm so nervous and anxious. I'm really scared to go outside. But at the same time, I'm excited and proud of myself.

There's a knock on the door. ''Come in!'' I yell. I've purposedly unlocked my door so that Justin can just walk in. It's easier. I'm lazy, okay.

''Hi.'' he greets me as he walks in. Dayum, he's looking good! Does he always look this good? I bet he does. As I check him out, I see him smirking from the corner of my eye.

''Sorry.'' I awkwardly state.

''You don't look so bad yourself, babe.'' he winks at me. And the awkwardness is gone.

I look down at myself and blush. But at the same time I wonder... What do you mean I don't look so bad? I look horrible.

''So, are you ready?'' Justin smiles at me and reaches for my hand.

''No.'' I say honestly. ''But I guess I have to be.''

His face falls. ''I don't wanna push you, though, Ashley.''

''It's okay. I think it's the right thing for me to do. I'm just scared out of my mind, that's all.'' I confess and bite my lip. Let's get this over with.

He takes my hand in his and we slowly walk out of my apartment, down the seven stairs that seperate me and my apartment from the streets. We walk into someone who lives in my apartment, perhaps a neighbor of mine. The girl greets us with a smile and continues walking. I stop in my tracks and my eyes widen.

''What's wrong?'' Justin asks.

''Nothing, I just realized that I've never met anyone from my building, and we just met the first person I was supposed to meet two years ago, when I moved in here. I just wonder why she doesn't think I"m a weirdo, that's all.'' I blabber.

He smiles at me. ''Why would she think you're a weirdo? You just said you've never met her.''

''I know, but usually people just assume.'' I explain.

He frowns and squeezes my hand. ''Well, not all people do. Those bitches who do are just rude as fuck.'' he smiles down at me as he pulls me along, walking towards the door that has hid me from the outside world. I smile back at him, because his words amuse me.

''Leggo!'' he says as he opens the door for me. A real gentleman.

Fresh air meets my face and blows my hair back, as I just stand still. On the same spot. And it feels like ages before Justin pulls me out of my state of shock and I finally move my feet.

We are outside. The place I've loathed for two whole years. And now I'm here. With Justin. I look around and see lots of people walking around. Instinctively, I take a step back. Justin notices and pulls me towards him a bit, squeezing my hand.

''It's okay, Ash. Just stay close to me, I'll keep you safe.''

I nod and slowly start walking beside him, while he holds my hand as though I'm a child in need of rescueing. I guess he does understand. He just walks me along the grass as we walk into the park. There's a bench, which we're slowly approaching, before Justin sits down on it and pulls me on his lap.

''So, how are you liking it so far?'' he asks.

I look back at the door to my building - about 50 metres away from where we're sitting.
''I guess it's okay.'' I sigh. ''I'm just a bit overwhelmed, I'm sorry. This must be really weird to you.''

''It's not, I promise. I understand where you're coming from. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably be the same.''

I smile contently, and hug closer to his warm body. I feel safe with him. I'm okay.

Suddenly a shadow hovers over us. I quickly look up to see what's going on and there he is, standing over me like he always has. As if he was the power over me. As if he is the boss of me. He smirks at me and I hug closer to Justin.


''Hi Ashley, darling.''

All alone, or so it seemed (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now