17. "It's a free country."

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[a/n] there's gonna be two povs in this chapter. just a head's up.


- Justin's pov -

I texted one of my buds to find out Trent's address. A couple of my buds have detective skills and luckily one of them found his address.

When I arrive at his house, I've worked myself up. I'm so angry. Trent is such an asshole and he's gonna have to learn to never bother Ashley again. He has to leave her - us - alone.

I ring the bell. Twice. The door opens and his face appears. He looks sleepy, but it doesn't stop me from what I'm about to do. I need to talk to this dude.

''What are you doing here?'' he says groggily.

I decide to taunt him a bit, since all he seems to be doing is taunt Ashley.

''Saying hi would be the polite thing to do, darling.'' I smirk.

He looks at me confused, but soon enough he realises what I mean. He rolls his eyes.

''Justin, Imma ask you one more time. What do ya want?''

''What I want is for you to stop harrassing Ashley. Ideally, I think you should apologize to her. But I'll let that slide. You should leave her the fuck alone. She doesn't deserve any of what you put her through.''

''You don't get to decide what I do in life. It's a free country.'' he responds, smirking like he's proud of himself.

''Yeah, well, it's a free country, so I am free to defend Ashley any time, I'm free to kick your ass, I'm free to tell everyone you're a douchebag, I'm free to make your life a living hell, just like you're doing to Ash.''

''Go ahead, dickhead.''

''Or, you know, I could just go to the police and tell them what you did. I mean, there's enough proof of your assault.''

Trents eyes widen. ''You wouldn't.''

"No? Watch me.''

''Don't.'' Trent begs.

I laugh. ''It's a free country, remember?''

I turn around, wanting to walk away, but Trent pushes me to the ground and sits on top of me.

''I said.. don't.''

His fist finds my jaw. Oh really? This is the solution. Damn, this boy is troubled. But yeah, I understand his need to punch someone.

''Yeah, well I said leave Ashley alone.'' I push him off me and knee him.

''Don't touch me, you fucktard.''

CHANGE OF POV! - Ashley's pov -

After discussing everything with Nat and Mike, we decided I should go see Mrs. Young, my counsellor, again. I walk out her office, having had some really good advice. I feel like she's finally telling me useful things. In today's session, I told her all about what's happened in the last week - Trent in the park, Justin, Trent ruining my date with Justin. She noticed how Trent scares me. I wanted to deny it real bad, but I decided against it. She wouldn't be able to help me if she didn't know the truth, right?

Anyways, she told me to trust Justin and go outside more often. Not necessarily be amongst too many people, but go outside. Just sitting on a bench outside would be okay, too. She told me to always bring my phone and have her and 911 on speed dial, so that if Trent ever bothers me again, I can call her or the police. This way I'd be safe.

So I decide to call Justin. I want to tell him what she told me and I want to tell him I want to go through with it. I want to keep going outside, I don't wanna let go of my hope. I don't wanna go back to how my life was these past two years. It was just turning around, so I want to keep making it better, possibly with Justin. I hope he'll still want to go with me after everything.

I dial his number but after a couple of beeps, I get his voicemail. I dial again, hoping he's gonna pick up.

Hi, this is Justin's phone. I'm not able to pick up right now, but leave a message or your number after the beep and I'll get back to you asap. BEEP

I hang up and sigh. Why isn't he picking up? I hope he's okay.

Nat's picking me up with her car. I notice her in the waiting room and walk up to her. Together we walk towards her car, so she can take me home.

''Hey Ash, you okay?''

''Hi Nat, yeah, I'm good. Just got back from Mrs. Young's office, and she told me to go outside more and to trust Justin.''

''Thats great, Ash! Are you planning on listening to her advice?''

''Yes. I called Justin a couple of times, but he's not answering his phone. Have you talked to him?''

''It's not like Justin not to answer his phone, given he's always on that thing. Have you left him a message?''

''It's not? Is my worry misplaced? And no, I've not.''

''No, it's quite weird for him not to pick up. But it's probably nothing. Maybe his battery died or something. Just leave him a message.''

''Will do, thanks!''


Nat stops the car in front of the front door to my building.

''Thanks for the ride, Nat!'' I smile.

''Sure! Want me to come in, or are you good?''

''I'm good. Thanks, though. Go see your fiancé and give him my best.'' I wink.

''Bye, girl. Love ya!''

''Love you too.''

I walk into my apartment, dial Justin's number again and get his voicemail. Again. This time, though, I decide to leave a message.

''Hey Justin. I just wanted to talk to you about something my counsellor told me, but I guess your phone died or you don't wanna talk to me or so. Anyways, yeah, that's it. I hope you're okay. And I hope you do wanna talk to me. Cause yeah. I just wanna talk to you. Sorry, I'm rambling. I'll shut up now. Bye! Oh this is Ashley, by the way.''

I sigh and fall back on the comfy maroon sofa in my living room.

''Why wouldn't I wanna talk to you?'' a voice chimes in.

All alone, or so it seemed (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now