7. "His name is Trent."

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Justin stirrs in his sleep. I'm wide awake. It's currently 6 am, but the sun is already up and beaming. I kind of want to stay in Justins arms here forever, because it's warm, but still I slowly untangle myself from his limbs. I stand up and stretch.

As I walk towards the kitchen to make some breakfast, I remember what happened last night.
Going outside, seeing Trent, feeling threatened, running back, the flash back, the panic attack, Justin comforting me. I better make him some breakfast. I barely know the guy and he's willing to stay the night because I was hurting. That's so sweet of him. No one's ever done that for me before. You know, besides my brother and my sister-in-law.

I walk towards the fridge and decide to make some scrambled eggs, bacon and some pan cakes. I put on the radio, because it makes me feel just a little bit more relaxed.

Brave, honest, beautiful by Fifth Harmony is playing as we speak. I sing along softly, whilst still in my pjs, baking some pancakes.

''Good morning, babe.'' a voice says. I turn around and see Justin amusingly looking at me.
I hadn't realized I was dancing along to the song as well.

Instantly, my face turns tomato red. My pjs only consist of an extra large t-shirt and my underwear. This is so awkward.

Justin smirks and then smiles at me. ''You look great.'' he nods.

I start laughing and soon enough he joins me. When the laughing dies down, Justin looks at me seriously.

''So what happened yesterday?'' He asks.

I sigh. Might as well just tell him. It's not like he's gonna stick around, right? I nervously bite my lip. ''It's quite a long and personal story.'' I say.

''I don't have anywhere to go today.'' he nods. "But you don't have to tell me, if you don't feel comfortable. I'd understand."

''Fine, but let me just finish making breakfast, okay?'' he nods at my request and sits down at the table.

I soon finish the pan cakes and eggs. ''Do you want bacon with your eggs?'' I ask Justin.

''No, thank you.'' he smiles. ''Thanks for the breakfast.'' I put down a plate with a stack of pan cakes and one with some scrambled eggs and grab two more plates for us to put our food on.

As I sit down, Justin starts. ''So, who was the guy?''

''Did he not tell you who he was?'' I ask him.

''No, where did you get that idea from?'' He looks at me, wondering.

''I just assumed, because you were talking to him after I left.''

He smiles. ''Well, I told him to leave you alone, because he obviously upset you. That's all.''

I smile back at him. ''Thank you.'' I say carefully. He nods his head and awaits my answer.

''Okay, well, his name is T-Trent.'' I start. ''He went to the same high school as me.''

Justin nods for me to continue.

''He's the main bully.'' I blurt out. Justin looks at me, obviously confused.

''The MAIN bully?'' he asks.

''Yeah, um, I was bullied throughout my high school career, but he was the worst. He was this popular guy. Everyone wanted to be friends with him and so everyone cheered for him, no matter what he did. One day, he decided to call me names and, you know, hit me and stuff. Everyone thought it was hilarious.''

Silence. Justin looks at me understandingly.

''Everyone.... but me.'' I whisper, as tears well up in my eyes again. I quickly blink them away, wanting to seem strong. "He hasn't left me alone ever since he knew he had power over me - cause I broke down in front of him. I guess it told him I was weak and I can't fight back."

He grabs my hand and squeezes it. ''He called you names and ABUSED you?'' he slowly asks.

I nod, as a tear rolls down my face. ''Yes. I guess. It was always the same. I'd run into him, he'd call me a whore or a slut. He'd tell me-'' I stop talking as more tears roll down my face. "Sorry."

Justin scooches closer. ''What did he tell you?''

''He'd tell me.... everyone would be better off if I killed myself.'' I hiccup. Justin gasps as this newly found information.

''And then he would just.... push me to the ground. Sometimes he'd kick me. But sometimes it stayed at one push or one slap, thankfully.'' I whisper, tears still rolling down my face.

Justin grabs my face with two hands and turns it towards his. ''Ashley. I don't really know you, hell, I've only met you recently, but I already know for sure that you are no whore. You're no slut. And the world wouldn't be better if you hurt yourself.'' His breath hitches. ''You didn't deserve any of what he and his little minions did to you in high school.'' he assures me and pulls me in his lap, holding me, until I stopped crying.

''Thank you for telling me.'' Justin whispers. ''I know it was difficult.''

I look up to his face to find him staring into my eyes. I nod carefully, as I look towards his beautiful lips. I can see he is thinking the same as I am. He slowly strokes away the tear stains on my cheeks and pushes my hair, that has fallen in front of my face, out of the way.

''You're so beautiful, Ash.'' he hums. I giggle and he looks at me, confused, but an amused expression on his face.

"What was that?" he smiles.

"Sorry." I laugh.

"Don't apologise, that was cute, ha." his expression changes and his face nears mine.

And then his lips touch mine. Slowly, but surely. He kisses me and I'm frozen. He moves back and looks at me. I blink at him rapidly.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm sorry - I just felt like kissing you."

"Don't apologize, that was cute, ha." I mock him.

"Cute, huh?" he smirks.

He kisses me again. This time, I move my lips to his. They move perfectly in sync.

''Whoa, whoa, whoa.'' a voice chimes. ''I think we walked in in the wrong moment, Mike.''

All alone, or so it seemed (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now