14. "What am I supposed to do?"

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[a/n] Get ready, y'all! Here's a chapter in.... Justin's point of view!!


- Justin's pov -

We arrive at her apartment. Ashley tries to put the key in the door, but she's still shaking terribly. She keeps missing the lock. So I grab her hand and help her open the door. She smiles at me gratefully, but I notice it's not a genuine smile. Because I'm always really intrigued by those dimples that show up when she laughs or smiles. Those dimples are absent now.

Ashley pushes the door open and nearly falls down. I catch her and walk towards the couch with her limp body in my embrace, setting her on the sofa and sitting right beside her.

I look at her, but she doesn't look back at me. In fact, it's almost as though she's afraid to look at me. She rocks her body back and forth, still silently crying, her arms holding her knees up. She stares into the distance and every now and then the sound of one of her sobs fills the room. It's like she's forgotten I'm here. Or she's just scared to accept me being here for her.

I can't handle this anymore. I stand up, fill a glass of water and slowly set it down on the coffee table in front of Ashley. She doesn't notice and keeps staring to nothing. Her eyes have lost their shine and she looks devastated. I want to know what's going on inside her head, but I don't wanna push her. What am I supposed to do?

I slowly sit back down again, a little closer than I was before, and extend my arm, wanting to comfort her by pulling her into my side. The moment I'm about to touch her, though, she screeches and tries to escape the feel of my hand, looking at me with a fearful expression in her beautiful, once shimmering, eyes.

Her eyes widen at her actions once she realises what she just did and she immediately looks away, her eyes watering again.

''I'm s-s-sorry.'' she whispers and more tears spill from the corners of her eyes.

''It's fine, Ash. Come here.'' she looks at me, contemplating whether or not to come near me. But in an instant, she's in my arms, pulling at my blouse with her nails, letting all of her emotions out, crying onto my shirt. I can feel the tears on my torso through my shirt, but I don't mind, as long as she feels safe here, right now.

After about 10 minutes, her sobbing dies down and she just hugs me as if her life depends on it. She moves her head on top of my shoulder.

''I'm so sorry for all of this, Justin....'' she whispers.

''You weren't supposed to see me like this.''

I know she means what she says, but I don't understand one bit of it. It's almost as if she doesn't realise that it's okay for people not to be okay. And that I want her to be able to be herself around me. I like her just the way she is.

I have to let her know. I have to make her feel better, somehow. I have to at least try.

''Don't be sorry, baby, none of this is your fault and it's okay to feel the way you do. I may not know exactly how you feel, but I get it and I can imagine how you feel. I'm sorry you had to go through what you went through tonight. Trent is an asshole and you don't deserve one bit of what he does to you. And please don't apologise for being shaken up. I want you to be able to express your emotions around me. You don't ever have to hide, okay. Please don't think that you have to hide. If something ever bothers you, please just tell me. I will always try to help you, that's a promise. It doesn't matter what happens in the future, all that matters is right now, and I want you to know that I am here and I won't go anywhere. I'll keep you safe, Ashley. I promise you. You're safe with me, baby girl.'' I shush her.

She looks at me, wiping her tears away and then she smiles. Her cute dimples pop up and that's how I know I did good in trying to make her feel a bit better.

She gives me a tight squeeze before letting me go and then just stares at my face.

''Thank you, Justin.'' she smiles, ''you're really good at pep talks.'' she compliments and then she looks at my lips, biting her own.

I smile at her, knowing that she's too afraid to make the first move and so I move a little towards her, pushing my lips to her beautiful pink ones.

Her lips mold together perfectly with mine and we continue kissing for a bit, until I can't stop myself from licking her lip. She allows my tongue to join hers in her mouth and after some time, too soon if you ask me, she pulls away, breathing fast. She smiles at me shortly after catching her breath. I could kiss her all day. I could watch her smile all day. Her smile is so precious.

''Sorry, had to get some fresh air.'' she giggles. I smile back at her and peck her lips once more, before pulling her into my side in a comfortable hug.

She lays down her head on top of my shoulder and closes her eyes, clearly exhausted from all of the crying and the drama. I plant a kiss on her forehead and lift her up.

She slowly peels open her eyes, lifting up her head. ''What are you doing?'' she laughs and she lays her head back down on my shoulder.

''I'm bringing you to bed, cause I feel like you could use some rest.''

She hums, slowly nodding her head against my shoulder. ''Thanks.''

I smile fondly at her and lay her down on her bed, pulling the blankets over her and sitting down next to her, making sure she feels safe.

''Go to sleep, baby.'' I whisper, before planting another kiss on her forehead.

She hums again, before drifting off swiftly.

All alone, or so it seemed (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now