12. "You realize I'm a legal adult, right?"

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I slowly open the door to reveal a handsome Justin, standing in my hallway, looking really hot in black trousers and a blouse. His hair is pushed back, looking amazing. My eyes land on his and I see him bite his lip, whilst checking me out. In response, I do the same. My teeth graze my bottom lip and Justin widens his eyes.

''Hi.'' I start.

''You look amazing.'' he blurts out, his eyes still roaming over my body.

I giggle and his eyes snap up to mine. He smiles boyishly.

''You don't look so bad yourself, Justin.'' I beam back at him.

''So, shall we go then?'' he wonders. I nod and instantly grab my purse.

''Yes, let's.''

But before we can move, of course Nat has to interrupt.

''Have fun, y'aaaaall!'' she laughs. ''Be back at 12.'' she points accusingly at me, a warning expression on her face.

''Nat, you realize I'm a legal adult, right?'' I laugh. She replies with a smile and waves us off, winking at me when Justin doesn't look. Justin grabs my hand and pulls me out of my apartment.

As we're walking down the stairs and out of my building, my eyes focus on his hand tightly holding mine, as though he's afraid I'll slip out of his hands. It's a tight grip, but you can still feel that it's full of care. I stare at our hands, perfectly fitting together, in a state of shock, because he so casually grabbed my hand. Such a casual thing to do for him, yet such a meaningful action to me.

We arrive at Justin's car and he opens the passenger door for me to sit down. I do and he walks towards the drivers' seat and starts the engine. He turns up the volume of the radio, as one of my favorite songs is playing. I instantly recognize and smile at the accuracy of the song.

''And I don't know how it gets better than this, you take my hand and drag me head first fearless.''

I softly hum along to the song.

''And I don't know why but with you I'd dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless.''

I can feel Justin looking at me as he drives a bit slower than before.

''So baby drive slow 'til we run out of road in this one horse town...''

I stop humming and look back at him. He's smiling feverishly and his eyebrows perk up.

''So... you like Taylor Swift?'' he asks.

I laugh ''That would be an understatement. I LOVE her.''

He smiles at me. ''I think she's awesome.'' he nods in agreement.

I smile at the newly found information and the fact that we have something in common, other than our love for pancakes as breakfast. Justin's hand slowly moves from the steering wheel to rest besides his leg.

''Where are we going?'' I wonder out loud, contemplating if I dare to be bold and put my hand over his.

He smiles. ''We're nearly there, it's a lovely little restaurant in Miami Beach. It's called Osteria del Teatro, I believe. I hope you like Italian food.''

''I do.'' I answer him shortly, still staring at his hand. He grabbed my hand so casually, why can't I return the favor?

It's like he knows what I'm thinking, because before I have the chance to move my hand towards his, he takes the opportunity to move his towards mine. His hand touches the back of mine and he softly moves his thumb across my hand, humming along to the end of Taylor's ''Fearless'' and parking in the parking lot besides the restaurant.

All alone, or so it seemed (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now