24. "As long as it's with you."

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[A/N] Double update bc I reached 150 votes on this story! Thank you to everyone who votes and/or comments, it truly means A LOT! Love, Lisa


I looked at Justin and he smiles back at me.

''Great! So where exactly do you wanna go? What are you comfortable with?'' Justin asks.

I bite my lip and decide to step out of my comfort zone, just like Mrs. Young told me to do.


''Yeah?'' he hums in response.

''You know what, I don't really mind. I wouldn't mind going somewhere crowded, as long as it's with you.''

''Are you sure you're ready to take that step, Ashley? I don't want you to be uncomfortable.''

''Justin, the time will have to come some day. So I might as well take the step now, and hopefully enjoy it. I promise that if I'm not enjoying myself, I'll tell you, okay?''

''Okay.'' He hums.

''So, you pick the place.'' I smile. ''You've already compromised a lot for me, and I want to know what you'd like to do or where you'd like to go.''

Justin looks at me and I see his eyes sparkle. ''That's so sweet of you, Ash. But I don't mind compromising.''

''I don't either.'' I smile, encouraging him to pick a place.

''Do you like..... rollercoasters?'' I can see the sparkles in his eyes as he says the word.

''I've never really been on rides.'' I answer honestly.

''Then.... maybe it can be your first?'' he asks, testing the waters.

''Sure, let's do it. Let's go to an amusement park then.'' I smile at him and grab my purse. Together, we walk towards his car. Gentleman as Justin is, he opens the door to the passenger seat, before sitting behind the wheel and starting the car.

As we drive, another really good song comes on. It's by one of my favorite artists at the moment... Cody Simpson. And at that moment, I realise I don't know what kind of music Justin likes. All I know is that he thinks Taylor Swift is cool.

''Hey Justin?''


''What kind of music do you like?''

Justin turns his head to look at me and smiles, dimples showing. He bites his lip and starts. ''That's a good question, babe. But a damn difficult one.''

I laugh at his difficulty to answer the question, because I would be the same if I had to answer the question.

''Honestly, I love music. In general. I guess I listen to a lot of R&B, mostly. But I love music and I can listen to anything really.'' He turns up the volume and continues, in an Australian accent. ''Like, I kinda like this Australian mate.''

I laugh at his geekiness and he soon joins in. ''I kinda like this Australian dude, too.'' I smile. ''He's good.''

''He sure is.'' Justin smiles.

She loves me, she loves me not, she says she loves me, has she forgotten that she loves me, love me one more time. I know I'll never be the apple of your eye, but I could pick you a flower, if you'd like.

Justin starts singing along softly, but loud enough for me to hear his voice.

''I'll meet you down by the end of the road, where the sunset goes and the garden grows..''

I look at Justin, he's looking at the road, still softly singing along to the song. I take the moment to stare at his face, no regrets. He is so gorgeous. Justin's eyes shoot towards mine and he smirks.

''Like what you see, babe?''

''Yeah.'' I perk up my eyebrow. ''And I like what I hear, too. Your voice is amazing. You should do something with your talent.''

He laughs. ''Thanks, babe. And I already am.''


''Yeah, I told you I love music, right?''

''Yes, you have.''

''Well, I love it a lot, and, well, I kinda signed a deal with a label and I'm kinda recording some songs in a studio and it might become an album and be released.'' he smiles. "But nothing's sure yet."

''WHAT!?'' I yell and immediately my face flushes bright red and I want to disappear. ''Oh my God, sorry, I didn't mean to scream that loud.''

''And that high?'' he laughs.

''Yeah.'' I laugh. ''But wow, that's amazing, Justin! How come you haven't told me this before?''

''I was gonna, but it's not something to easily work into a conversation.'' he blushes.

''ARE YOU BLUSHING, MR. BIEBER?'' I respond and he just smiles.

''Aw, cute.'' I smirk and lean over to plant a kiss on his cheek. Nerves still bubble up inside me, but I do it anyways.

''Well, I'm glad you told me, and jesus fucking christ, I'm glad you got signed and you get to share this talent with the world, because your singing is phenomenal.'' I giggle.

''Whoa, chill babe.'' he smirks.

''Sorry, but your voice is so good, I could never nót compliment you on it.''

''Well, thank you, princess. You're pretty awesome.'' he smiles.

I giggle at his response and decide to grab his hand to intertwine my fingers with his. Bold move, Ashley, but you know what, I do it anyways. ''You're pretty awesome too,'' I smile, stressing the next word, ''babe.''

Justin turns his head to face me and smirks. ''I kinda love it when you call me babe, you know that?''

''No, but I do now,'' I smile. ''How long are we still in the car for?''

''Impatient much,'' Justin laughs. ''Just kidding. We'll be there in five.''

''Okay, good, 'cause I'm pretty excited.'' I smirk. ''Babe.''


[a/n] whoooosh Ashley's finally getting out of her cocoon and she's a bit cheeky, isn't she?

I've decided the chapters aren't gonna be too long, but don't worry, they're not gonna be too short and I'm just gonna update faster.

Uni is about to start, but dw, I've pre-written a couple of chapters during summer, so all is good.

Don't be a silent reader. ;)

Lots of love, Lisa

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