19. "I thought you were done with that shit."

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''Ash, wake up.''

''Come on, Ash.''

''Baby, open your eyes.''

I slowly peel open my eyes, one by one, to find Justin standing over me.

''Good morning, princess.'' he smiles. ''Nat & Mike are here. I let you sleep for a while, but given the time, I thought I'd wake you.''

''What time is it?'' I ask.

''11 am.''

''Well, that's a first for me. I always get out of bed at 7.'' I laugh and leave my bed to go say hi to my brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law.

''Good morning, Ash.'' they both chime.

''Hi.'' I reply and smile back at them. ''How are you, guys? How's the bump?''

Nat laughs. ''We're good and so is the bump.''

''Good.'' I smile and sit down on the sofa. Justin soon joins me.

I look at him and notice that the bruise hasn't vanished completely.

''You okay?'' I whisper, but a little too loudly. He nods in response, but Nat's voice worriedly pipes up.

''What's wrong?'' she wonders out loud, and changes looks between Justin and I.

''Nothing.'' Justin replies groggily. ''I'm fine.''

''So why did Ash ask you if you're okay?''

''Damn, you have good ears.'' I laugh nervously. Nat doesn't need to know about the fight Justin had.

''Tell me.'' Nat states.

Justin speaks up. ''I got in a fight, that's all.''

''What do you mean, that's all?'' Nat says. ''I thought you were done with that shit.'' What shit?

''I am.'' Justin answers.

''What?'' I blurt out.

Justin looks at me. ''I'll tell you about it soon, yeah?''

I nod and swallow in response to Nat's staring.

''Yeah, so what the fuck happened, Justin? I'm waiting for an explanation here.''

''Would you stop being like this? I'll tell you, take a chill pill!'' he raises his voice.

Nat's eyebrows perk up in surprise. Or is it amusement? I can't decide. Her expression soon changes into a scowl, though.

''Fine. I got in a fight with Trent, because I went to him to tell him to leave Ashley here alone.'' his hand grabs mine. ''I don't want him to bother her, okay? And I felt like I needed to tell him that. But then he punched me. It was fucking self defense.''

Nat looks at him, probably deciding on whether to believe him or not.

''Okay.'' she nods. ''So you didn't start the fight then?''

''No.'' Justin replies shortly.

''Okay, good. I don't want you going down that path again.'' What the fuck? So he used to get in a lot of fights, then?

''I won't.'' Justin assures her.

Mike chimes in. ''Okay, what the fuck is going on here?''

I look at him, confused and surprised by his outburst.

Nat answers him. ''Justin went to Trent to stick up for Ashley, but it ended differently than expected.''

''Yeah, I understand that.'' Mike replies. ''But I mean, what the fuck is going on between you and my sister?'' he points to Justin.

Justin laughs. ''Nothing, really. I just took her on a date. Y'all need to relax. It's not like we're getting married tomorrow.''

I know he's right, but I can't help but feel hurt a bit by his words. It stings. Nothing's going on between us? Does he mean that or is it the same as with the first kiss, does he not want to put me on the spot? I don't know what I'm supposed to think, but I decide to ignore it.

I laugh, insincerely, but I laugh nonetheless. ''Yeah, y'all should focus on your own life anyways. Have you chosen a date for the wedding yet?'' I change the subject.

Nat claps her hands. ''We have! It's gonna be next month!''

''So soon?'' I gulp.

''Yeah, it's so exciting!'' Nat smiles. Mike smiles at her and grabs to hold her hand. ''Oh, that reminds me... I wanted to ask you if you'll be a bridesmaid?''

''Sure.'' I reply. ''As long as you won't have me wear a hideous hot pink dress, I'll do it.'' I laugh.

A scowl enters Nat's face, but I can see it's not serious. ''I'm hurt you would even think I would consider hot pink dresses for my bridesmaids. Who do you think I am? I'd like to think my fashion sense's better than that, Ashley.''

I laugh way too hard at her reply and Nat soon joins my amusement and pulls me towards her. ''It's settled then! You'll be my bridesmaid.'' She hugs me.

I smile at her happiness.

''Nat, we have to go now.'' Mike replies. ''Bye Ash, it was good to see you again. I love seeing your smile. It's been a while. I'm happy you're feeling a little better.''

I agree with him with a nod. ''I am too.''

Mike and Nat hug me and then leave my apartment, waving one last time. I'm alone in my apartment with Justin and I suddenly feel awkward. Is there really nothing going on between us? I mean, I'm aware we've only known each other for like a week, but he's done so much for me, I can't help but feel something for him. It's not necessarily love or something, but it's gratitude and I mean, I feel like there's a spark between us. It might just be me, though. I'd understand if he doesn't feel the same way. I only hope he won't leave and never come see me again. I don't know if I could go outside without him. At least not yet.

''You okay?'' Justin waves his hand in front of my face. Oh, I guess I zoned out again.

I hum in response and make my way to the kitchen to make some coffee.

''Do you want coffee?'' I ask Justin and he nods.

I make my way to the coffee machine and refill the water tank before I push the button to brew some coffee.

''So Ashley, I wanna ask you something.'' Justin starts. I look up to him and nod for him to continue.

''Do you have any plans for lunch tomorrow? I thought we could maybe go for lunch together.'' Oh, so he does want to keep seeing me then? YES!

I want to say yes, but then I remember I have an appointment tomorrow at 1 pm with mrs. Young.

''I'd love to, but I have an appointment with my counsellor in the afternoon.''

''Oh.'' Justin's disappointment is clearly visible, so I decide to speak up.

''How about we turn that lunch date into a movie night?'' I ask.

''Yeah, okay. Let's do it.'' he nods. ''But without Nat and Mike this time?'' he adds.

I nod in acceptance of his request - I'd rather not have Nat and Mike there anyways. It's awkward.

''Tomorrow night it is, then.'' Justin smiles.

All alone, or so it seemed (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now