16. "I can't help but fall under her spell."

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- Justin's pov -

''Hi.'' she whispers back. I palm her cheeks and bring my lips to hers, pulling away after a short, but sweet, peck on her lips. She is so mesmerizingly beautiful. I don't understand why Trent does what he does. He must've been hurt real bad to feel the need to push others down and make them feel this way. Ashley does not deserve any of this. He's such a dick. He deserves to get his ass kicked, alright.

''Ash, you okay ?'' Mike says.

I look at her face and see that she's looking at me, with a grateful look in her eyes. Her eyes glimmer and I notice a hint of a smile.

She hums in response. ''Yeah, I'm good.'' She doesn't break eye contact with me. She's pulling me in and I can't help but fall under her spell.

Nat coughs awkwardly, making me break the eye contact with Ashley. She laughs a silent laugh at me. ''Justin, can I speak to you for a sec ?''

''Sure.'' I stand up and give Ashley's hand one more squeeze before I let her hand leave mine. I walk towards my best friend, knowing she wants to talk to me about this thing between me and Ash.

We walk into a different room, and Nat lets out a girly laugh.

''You are so crushin'.'' she says between laughs.

I look at her, confused. ''What do you mean ?''

She smiles at me. ''I mean that anyone can see that you're falling for Ashley, you charmer.'' She examines my face next. ''Oh, don't give me that look. Do not look at me as if I'm wrong. You know deep down that I'm right. You're falling for her. It's so obvious.''

Is she right ? Can I be falling for a girl I've only met a couple days ago ? I mean, she's absolutely beautiful and she is so sweet. Her smile is so precious and I just want to make her smile all the time, because her smile makes me feel some type of way. It's obvious that I like her. She intrigues me. But could I really be falling for her ? I mean, yeah, I'm pretty sure I'd do anything to keep her safe from Trent. I just feel like I need to protect her from any type of harm. I want her to be and feel safe. And I want her to feel that when she's with me. I want to be the one who makes her feel happy.

Nat's right. I'm falling for Ashley.

I slowly nod at Nat. ''I think you're right, Nat.''

Nat giggles in response and claps her hands. ''YASSSSS !''

''What are you doing ?'' I laugh at her.

''I really wanted this to happen. I SO ship Jashley.'' she claps.

''Why am I friends with you again ?''

''You, my bud,'' she points at me, ''You are friends with me, because I'm flippin' awesome and I introduced you to Ashley, your soon-to-be girlfriend.'' She smirks.

''My soon-to-be girlfriend, aye ?'' I smirk. ''Do you think she would want to be my girl, though ?''

''YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS RIGHT NOW !'' she laughs. ''You must be blind. It's so obvious that she feels the same way about you as you do for her. Of course she wants to be with you.''

I smile at this newly found information. ''Good.'' I hum. ''I better plan something then, huh ?''

Nat grins, but her face falls soon after. ''But what are we supposed to do about Trent ? He now knows Ashley lives here and I want her to be safe. I want Trent to leave her alone. Should we go to the police ?''

''You shouldn't be asking me for advice, Nat. But I think Trent just needs to get his ass kicked.''

''Yeah, he sure does.'' Nat nodds.

An idea comes to mind, but I decide not to share it with her. ''I gotta go now.''

I walk into the living room again, grab Ashley's face and kiss her tenderly.

''I'll be back, baby.''

All alone, or so it seemed (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now