28. What's the magic word, Ash?

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Double update bc it's been way too long!

"Hey Ash!" I hear Justin's voice as I'm in the shower. He must've just walked into my apartment, given the fact that I didn't lock my door.

"Where are you?" he calls my name.

I reply with a simple "Shower!" and continue to rinse the conditioner out of my hair. Once I'm done with that, I turn off the shower and step out of the cabin in my bathroom to dry my body and blowdry my hair.

Because I've forgotten to bring my outfit for the day, I wrap my towel around my body and step into my bedroom, not realising Justin's casually sitting on my bed, playing with his phone. The minute he hears the door open, his eyes perk up and roam over my body.

"Whoa.." he whispers and shuffles his body around on the bed. My eyes meet his and I shriek, realising this is the first time he's seen me as bare as I am right now. I run into my walk-in closet to quickly change into a sundress and some sandals, cute and comfy, not too fancy. I walk back into my bedroom to see Justin still sitting there, a smirk playing over his lips.

"Hi babe." I walk towards him and softly kiss his lips. He kisses back gently and when our lips disconnect a mild pop can be heard.

"Damn baby." he replies and smirks again, probably replaying the situation that just occurred.

"Shut up!" I laugh, embarrassed he had to see me this naked when I wasn't prepared. Thank God I had just shaved my legs.

Justin smiles at my embarrassment, causing my cheeks to heat up. He awes silently and pulls me on top of him. He kisses my nose and then suddenly I feel his fingers at my waist, tickling me. I shriek for the second time this morning and start laughing uncontrollably.

"Stop, Justin.... Stop!" I laugh.

"What? I can't understand." He smirks.

"Please Justin, stop! I- I can't breathe."

"What's the magic word, Ash?"

"Babe, argh stop." And then he stops.

"You got the magic word right in one try, that's unfair." He pouts.

I laugh at his silliness and he kisses my nose, which scrunches up.

"So. Ash. Can I - um - talk to you?" he starts, nervously. I sense his nerves, which doesn't make me feel too comfortable.

"What about?" I act confident.

"Us." he replies.

"You're not breaking up with me, are you?" I ask hesitantly.

"Ash..." my nerves build up due to his tone of words. "You do realise I can't break up with you when we're not in a relationship." His voice wavers.

"Oh my God." I laugh awkwardly. "I did nót just..."

"You did, but that's what I'm getting to actually." he comments. "I mean, it kinda feels like we're in a relationship and all and I was just wondering if you wanted to make it official.... You know..."

I look at him, surprised, but content.

"So, yeah," he continues, "I guess this is my way of asking you to be my girlfriend, maybe?"

"Maybe, you guess?" I laugh at his awkwardness.

"Shut up" he now laughs. "Leave the maybe and I guess part out. Be mine?" he asks, a tad bit more confident than before.

"As if you really needed to ask to know my answer.." I smiled faintly. "I was already yours, babe. Of course."

He pulls me towards him, me now sitting on his lap, straddling him. I smile at his actions and push my lips to his gently. This, however, doesn't seem to satisfy him, as he deepens the kiss and pulls me impossibly close, his hands on my lower back and mine on his face. I move my hands towards his hair, softly tugging at the ends, not really knowing what I'm doing because of my lack of experience. He seems to enjoy it, though, as a muffled groan leaves his lips.

"Oh, the things you do to me, baby." He whispers and kisses my lips and then my cheek. He softly caresses the skin below my ear with his lips and then whispers the three words I've been longing to hear again. "I love you, Ashley."

A sound leaves my lips, a sound I've never heard myself produce before. A sudden belt of confidence surges through me. I gently grab his face and pull it towards me so that our eyes meet.

"And I love you, Justin. A lot."

All alone, or so it seemed (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now