2. "Fine, I'll meet him."

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Hi! Here's chapter 2, you guys! Hope you'll enjoy it. I've already written the first 7 chapters and I've planned the story line up until chapter 20, so I'll be updating regularly! Keep an eye out ;)


I laugh at Nat.

''How do you know if I'll like him?'' I wonder.

''Oh trust me, I just know.'' she smirks.

What is she talking about.

''Can you at least tell me his name?'' I look at her.

''Darling, if I told you his name, you wouldn't have to ask him yourself. I'll arrange a meeting for tomorrow. Don't you worry!''

I laugh. ''Fine.''

Mike looks at us two. ''Well that got you all giddy real fast.'' he remarks.

I smile at my brother. ''If this boy is as kind as Nat states he is, I might not mind so much to meet him.''

Then my face falls. Of course Mike notices immediately. ''What is it, Ash?''

''Nothing - I just.... um'' I stutter.


''Fine, I'm nervous, okay. I've not talked to people besides you two for two years. What if I don't know how to communicate anymore? What if he thinks I'm crazy? What if all my nightmares become reality?'' My heart rate accelerates.

Mike smiles at me. ''Seriously, sis? First of all, you obviously know how to communicate, 'cause you're talking to me, right now. Second, he won't. Third, what nightmares?''

I slap his arm. ''You know what I mean, Mike.''

He smiles at me. ''Ashley, don't worry so much. Justin's a great guy, I promise.''

''Justin, ey?'' I laugh. ''So far for keeping his name a secret, Nat.'' I look at her.

''But fine, I'll meet him. But can you guys please stay with me?'' I plead.

''Of course, Ash. We will always be there for you.''

I smile. I have the best brother and sister-in-law. Now I just need to get through that rendez-vous tomorrow. I'm scared to death, I'll be honest. I've not met any new people since I ran out of my high school, that day I was supposed to do my last exam. As for the nightmares... I'm scared he'll do exactly what Trent did. Trent... That asshole.

As I walk through the hallways of my high school, I see him standing at the lockers. No, I can't go through this again, I just can't. It's hard enough just seeing his face, please don't let him notice me.

Too late, the little fuck has seen me, alright. And I can tell by the prominent smirk on his face that he is planning to say something to me. God, help me please.

''Hello Ashley.''

''What do you want, Trent?'' I spit out.

''Now, now, don't be so rude. You could just say hello for a change.''

''Trent, please, we both know this isn't about me not saying hello. It's about you being an asshole.''

''Don't you call me that, you bitch.''

''Stop that, I'm not a bitch.'' I remember how Trent always called me names. He's called me names since middle school - since the very first day I met him. I liked him at first, but he turned out to be one big mean ass bully. And he has not changed a single bit. He still pushes me around as if he's the boss of me. There used to be a time he could push me around. I was so scared of him. I won't deny - I'm still scared of him now, but I will not take any of his crap anymore. I know I'm no bitch. I'm always kind to everyone, as long as they don't hurt me.

''Oh, you're not? I'm pretty sure you are.'' he pushes me. physically.

''Don't touch me!''

''Ashley, I do what I want.'' he slaps me in the face. This time his friends come to see what the commotion is all about. They all start to laugh. In my face. What is this?

Everyone in the hallway looks at us. I feel awkward and stupid. What am I supposed to do now? I know none of these people will help me. They all look at me as ''the geek from another planet''. To them, I am no more than a girl with problems. I guess I am. I have no confidence whatsoever, except for my grades. My grades are high and my average is the highest of everyone. I'm proud of it. But not when people treat me like shit because of it.

''Trent, please stop.''

''When are you gonna get it, Ashley? You're a whore. You're a bitch. You're ugly as fuck. Why can't you just do everyone a favour and kill yourself?''

I can feel the tears prickling. Oh god, no please don't cry, Ashley. These words mean nothing. That's what Mike always says. Trent's words don't mean a thing. He's an asshole. He gets off on calling people names. He is trying to feel better by making me feel small.

But still, eventhough I know he's being like this because he wants to keep his rep as ''the cool guy'', I can't NOT believe what he's telling me. I'm ugly, yes. Maybe I should just....

Trent. That selfish bastard. I swear, he only cares about his ego.

''What were you thinking of, girrrrl?'' Nathalia looks at me.


''You can tell me, come on.'' She pushes.

I look at her. I know I can trust her, but do I want to tell her I just had this flashback? Mmm.

She looks at me with hopeful eyes. How can I deny?

''I just had a flashback to high school, that's all.''

''Ashley, I can see that you feel hurt. What happened?''

''It was about Trent.''

''Oh, Ash.'' She looks at me sympethatically. ''Please tell me you're not considering to listen to his dumbass words. Because nothing he said is true. And nothing you had to go through was deserved.''

''I guess.''

''Are you scared of meeting Justin because you're afraid he'll turn out to be like Trent?''

I hesitate but answer honestly. ''.... yes.''

''Don't be. I promise you that Justin's a good guy. Wait, I'll call him right now to set up a meeting for tomorrow. I'll put my phone on speaker so you can here, okay?''

I nod hesitantly. ''Okay.''

Nathalia grabs her phone and rings him. ''Hey Nat! How are you?''

''Hey Justin'', she smiles softly at me. ''I'm okay, you?''

''Yeah, I'm good. What's up?''
He sounds like a good guy...

''Not much, I was just calling to ask you a favour.'' Justin hums on the other side of the line.

''Justin, would you meet Ashley, Mike's younger sister?''

''I'd love to.''

''That's great! When would suit you?''

''I don't know, how about tomorrow? Or is that too soon?''

''No it's fine. I'll pick you up at 11 am and I'll drive you to her apartment.''

''Okay, great, can't wait. I'll see you tomorrow, Nat!''


She hangs up and looks at me expectantly.

I smile. ''I guess he doesn't sound like a bad guy.''

''He's not.'' She reassures me. ''Now, what shall we do today? I'm not about to let you waste your time on that tv show you were watching. Wanna play a game or something?'' Mike and Nat both look at me and I just simply nod.



[a/n] whoooo! she's meeting Justin next chapter. who's excited? just me? k then. haha

I'd appreciate your vote/comment. Thanks for reading!

P.S. who should I cast for Trent?


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