Chapter 20: The Final Battle Approaches! Ryu vs Leaf!!

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Ryu was thinking to himself laying down on a bench. A few days had passed since Gary's loss to Ruby as they all prepared for their battles that day.

Ryu: 'I can't expect to go in and win easily. It's Leaf after all.'

He remembered the last time they battled as Gengar was victorious over Pidgeot but just barely.

Ryu: 'That being said, I'm not gonna go in thinking I won't win. Blade and Nova will obviously be itching to go in, so I put those two in the back end for when I need them. These 5 spots were hard to chose but I think I made the right choice.'

Lorelei came into the waiting room.

Lorelei: Are you ready?

Ryu did a kick up bringing himself off the bench.

Ryu: Yeah.

He walked out as on the field Leaf met him with a serious look. Neither of them said a word and only looked at each other.

Leaf: 'I won't just roll over like some kind of pushover Ryu. I came to win.'

Ryu: 'Right now Leaf, I'm not thinking about my next match. The only thing I'm thinking about at this very moment, is victory.'

They both chose a Pokeball as Leaf was the first to send her Pokemon in.

Leaf: Alright, Kabutops!!

She threw in what could only be described as a brown cicada with blades for hands.

Ryu: Kabutops huh?

Ash: She sent it in.

Gary: The Kabuto she caught while we mined for fossils fully evolved.

Ryu: Alright! Electabuzz, Lead the Charge!!

Ryu threw in Electabuzz as the yellow and black electric type bounded his fist together.

Electabuzz: Electabuzz!!

Brock: It's Electabuzz.

Misty: On the water Stage Electabuzz steamrolled those Water Types with a single move each time.

Ryu: Electabuzz, Shockwave!!

Blue lightning shot from Electabuzz's hand going towards Kabutops.

Leaf: Kabutops, dig!!

Kabutops burrowed into the ground avoiding the lightning but just barely. Soon enough Electabuzz was hit with an uppercut being sent into the air.

Ryu: Electabuzz!!

Leaf: Now, Stealth Rock!

Kabutops flung rocks all over the battle field as Ryu realized Leaf's plan.

Ryu: Tch, so this is what you wanted from the start huh?!

Electabuzz landed and was hurt by the rocks.

Ash: She taught it Stealth Rock?!

Brock: That's bad for Ryu. Nova will definitely be hurt bad, and Moltres will have it even worse.

Leaf: Kabutops, return for now!

She called back Kabutops before grabbing another Pokeball.

Leaf: Kangaskhan!!

She threw in a large kangaroo like creature with a baby in the pouch.

Misty: Getting Ryu's Pokémon into the air and then setting a trap like that...

Gary: Leaf has worked on that strategy for a while. I helped her out with it during the break before this battle.

Leaf: Use Earthquake!!

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