Prologue: I will be the Best.

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A young boy with dark red and black hair was in bed sleeping. He heard his alarm go off as he groaned.

???: Mornings are EVIL!!

He said this with a passion so great that it seemed he also screamed those words at the top of his lungs. This young boy of 8 years was the Main Character of the story.

 This young boy of 8 years was the Main Character of the story

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Ryu: -_- The Pokémon Professor Oak is gonna give the three of us better be top tier if he's waking me up this early in the morning to train. And I'll even have to move in.

He got up before putting his clothes on. He went downstairs eating breakfast as he looked at a picture of two people resembling him smiling before running out the house. After a bit of time he headed into a forest as he swung from vine to vine. While he did he had seen a wild Mankey swinging with him.

Ryu: You're not gonna beat me today Mankey!

He started leaping from tree branch to tree branch as the Mankey was relentless. Soon they got to a destination with a man in a lab coat and three kids Ryu's age.

???: Hey, Ryu is racing Mankey again!

???2: I bet he'll lose! There's no way he can beat a monkey at it's own game!

???3: You say that every time, and he always comes out on top.

The professor had put his hand on his head sighing but smiling.

Professor: What can you do?

They came out the forest as Ryu was the first to touch the ground as Mankey landed on his head.

Ryu: Yes!! Better luck next time Mankey.

He rubbed the head of the monkey Pokémon before it jumped away.

Ryu: Yo Ash, sup Gary. Morning Professor Oak!

 Morning Professor Oak!

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