Chapter 4: Loyalty Beyond Reason

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When we last left off, Nidorino was had been hit with a powerful Earthquake attack as it couldn't keep balance. When it stopped it was revealed Sandslash's hands had been freed from the ice as well. It started to charge a Hyper Beam ready to end the battle while Nidorino was trying to get back up.

Ryu: 'Come on, think! Hyper Beam is easy to land on a stationary target... Stationary! That's it!' Quick Nidorino, use Earth Power!!

Nidorino glowed as from beneath Sandslash the ground rose as it was hit with the powerful attack.

Sandslash: SLAASH!!!

Nidorino got up ready for Ryu's next order.

Ryu: Now, use Ice Beam!!

Nidorino hit Sandslash with the beam causing the ground type to let out a yell as it hit the ground.

Ryu: Pokeball, let's go!!

He threw to Pokeball at Sandslash as he was sucked in. The ball shook a few times before coming to a stop. That's when it clicked as Ryu and Nidorino smiled.


Nidorino: NIDORINO!!

Ryu walked over to the Pokeball picking it up before bringing out Sandslash.

Sandslash: Slash.

Ryu: Looks like we won Sandslash. I'm sorry for what happened to you with your other Trainer, but it's gonna be better with us, promise.

Sandslash slightly smiled.

Ryu: Anyway you should meet the rest of the team for real now.

He threw out Pidgeotto and Charmeleon.

Ryu: Guys, Sandslash is gonna be joining us now. If he's kinda cold just know that he had a pretty bad trainer before.

Charmeleon: Char, Charmeleon!

Sandslash: Slash.

Ryu: Anyway we've gotta get you three to a Pokémon Center stat. Vermillion City will have to wait.

Ryu called everyone but Nidorino back picking up the poison type.

Nidorino: Nido.

Ryu grabbed Nidorino's Pokeball from his side.

Ryu: Pal, it's either you let me carry you, or you go into the Pokeball because I know Sandslash was a tough battle for you.

Nidorino reached out pushing the ball down.

Nidorino: Nidorino.

Ryu: You really hate being in these things.

Ryu kicked his sneakers on the ground as the wheels on the back of his boots came down allowing him to skate off yet again.


Ryu had found an inn that doubled as a Pokémon Center waiting for his Pokémon to be healed. He had a few potions on hand and once he got better Pidgeotto wanted to do training against wild Pokémon in the area having a slightly wounded pride from losing against Sandslash so badly.

Ryu: Man, Pidgeotto was really motivated. Sandslash might've had a good influence on him.

More trainers came in as a certain one in a hat looked over to where Ryu was.

???: Ryu!

Ryu looked over seeing that Ash was there. Even more to his surprise Brock was there as well.

Ryu: Ash! Brock too!

Pikachu: Pika-Pika!

Ryu: Don't worry, I noticed you too Pikachu.

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