Ch. 30 - Ch.39

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Ch. 30 :

"I said that if a zombie bites an ordinary person, he will become a zombie in 24 hours. If he doesn't change in more than 24 hours, it means that he has good resistance and his body is evolving into a psionic person. If a psionic person is bitten by a zombie, it depends on the energy level in his body. If the energy level is strong, the outbreak of the doomsday virus will be slow. After a long time, he will purify the doomsday virus himself, If the energy is weak, if you can't defeat the doomsday virus, you will also become a zombie. But don't shoot the zombie as soon as it is scratched by the zombie. It's too unfair to die that way. In addition, the zombie has a crystal nucleus in his brain, which is very important for upgrading the ability. Remember to take it out after killing it. "

Although Su Su felt very impatient, Ye Yu, a big soldier, couldn't understand it. She explained in detail the treatment measures after being bitten by zombies. Hemostasis is the most important thing. Secondly, she can only let fate decide and see the artificial.

After saying this, Su Su didn't avoid her parents. She was driving and her parents were in her car. Besides, Su Su also wanted to imperceptibly let her parents know something about these things, so that they didn't know how to deal with them in case they met someone bitten by a zombie.

"Right? I said it's OK, ha ha ~ ~ I'm just a little uncertain. I'm very flustered... By the way, where do you know all these things? "

Ye Yu smiles at the other end of the mobile phone and seems to have nothing to say. Su Su can't help shaking her stomach and coughing

"In the movie."

"Oh, in fact, I also like to watch movies about the end of the world. Our interests and hobbies are quite the same. It's cold. Beware of catching a cold..."

I don't know if ye Yu has been in the military camp for a long time and is out of touch with the society, or if this person's brain has always been simple. Anyway, he actually believed Su Su Su's words. In such a tense environment, he also set up a posture with Su Su Su to discuss his hobbies. Su Su Su couldn't help taking a deep breath, holding back the tumult in his stomach, and directly hung up Ye Yu's phone.

But I heard Su's mother sigh: "Su Su, your father and I are going to go back to Jieshi tomorrow."

"Why go back to Jieshi?"

"Your father said that he put some money in Jieshi and took it out to buy you a house in Xiangcheng."

"Oh, wait a few days. Just now ye Yu called and said that he would come back on the 31st after a few days' business trip, and then I would go back to Jieshi with you."

Su Su tells a lie without blinking an eye. What's the money that Su Fu put in Jieshi? She has already spent all her money. Now she's letting her parents go back to Jieshi to get money. Isn't she waiting to be beaten? Su's mother, sitting in the co pilot's seat, broke her fingers to calculate the time, which is five or six days. She looked back at Su's father in the back seat. Su's father quickly nodded and sat on the back of Su Su's seat, listening openly and secretly,

"Daughter, is that Xiao Ye who just called you to discuss the plot of the movie?"

He thought that Su Su and Ye Yu were discussing the plot of the film just now, but they would never think about the real situation. Su Su said, "well," and Su's father and Su's mother exchanged a look. Look, both of them have discussed a certain plot of the film. It seems that this interaction is not wrong. When they negotiate with Ye Yu, should they change their thinking?

Su Su raised her eyes and just saw Su's father's eyes full of meaning from the rearview mirror. She didn't say it directly. There were only the last few days left. She had to ask her parents to find something to do in order to spend these boring years.

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