Ch. 170 - Ch. 179

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Ch. 170:

In fact, it's too early for Su Su to raise silkworms and weave cloth. After all, before the end of the world, mankind was in an era of rich material development. What kind of clothes do you want? Why do you have to go back to ancient times, cutting, sewing, spinning and weaving?

Su Su is actually a sudden inspiration. After all, the silk of variant silkworm is different from ordinary silk. After being disinfected, the silk of variant silkworm has a series of advantages, such as fireproof, waterproof, cool, breathable, tough and durable. How good is the cloth made of variant silkworm to make some clothes for Xiao AI?!

"Susu, will you go out later?"

Beside her, Liang Xiaoqi interrupts Su Su's thoughts. She can't help but feel excited. She is also full of yearning for the excitement outside. She chirps to Su Su Su

"It's said that it's very busy outside today. There are a lot of things waiting to be changed in the trading house. The army has also made a special wall, on which there are all notices to find people."

Young nurses of Liang Xiaoqi's age naturally have their parents and relatives. However, on the last day, several of their nurses, Jun Jiu and Dr. Hong were on duty. They were not allowed to bring mobile phones into the blue light room and neonatal intensive care unit. Crawling would interfere with the operation of the instrument.

So until they were rescued by Su Su Ye Yu and others, Liang Xiaoqi junjiu and their parents and relatives did not contact each other. Later, they were safe and had a mobile phone at hand. But the end of the world has passed so many days, and the mobile phone signal sometimes did not exist. When the mobile phone signal was good, their parents and relatives did not receive the phone.

So this wall full of search notices is very attractive to Liang Xiaoqi. She can't wait to run to see if there is any news about her parents.

"Oh, yes, you can go and have a look."

In the face of Liang Xiaoqi's excited expectations, Su Su is not very interested. Her parents are here, and her daughter is in her stomach now. So Su Su has no one to look for. Moreover, the rudiment of this base is still a newly established safe area. The so-called wall full of search notices is just an information wall, Compared with the information center of the future base, this wall is actually a small one.

But it's very exciting for these survivors to have such a wall. Survivors who want to know the whereabouts of their relatives must also be full of hope for this wall.

The reason why Su Su wants to see it is because she thinks that it doesn't matter if she looks at it. She doesn't know if the trading house is in the same place as her previous life. Besides, her parents and friends all went to see it. Su Su Su's heart is heavy and she doesn't know what's going on. It's good to go out and have a rest.

She made an appointment with Liang Xiaoqi. Half an hour later, they met in front of the wall and went to work separately. Liang Xiaoqi and Wu Daomei went to deliver the silk wadding in the tray to Dr. Hong, while Su Su went to the villa where the materials were stored to find the loom.

As soon as she entered the villa, she was frightened by all kinds of furniture and electrical appliances. Pigo was going out for a walk every day. Under Su Su's instruction, all kinds of messy things were taken back. As a result, the villa was full of stuff. In which corner of the villa was the so-called loom, I can't make it clear for a while.

She decided to let pigo take time to clean up the mountain like materials. Then she turned around and went back to the wall of her villa, waiting for Liang Xiaoqi to come out.

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