Ch. 400 - Ch. 409

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Ch. 400:

Then we talk about how Chun Zhengzong got involved with Mei Shengnan. We have to start with Bai Luoluo's younger brother, who is a good-looking wife. At that time, Su Su Su was chased and killed by Mei Shengnan, who helped to lead him out. But Su Su Su killed him. In fact, there are many other brothers, who can't find Su Su Su, Naturally, I want to go to Mei Shengnan to avenge my brother.

How did Mei Shengnan get away? She sent herself to chunzhengzong's bed. It's said that chunzhengzong was so eager to die that chunzhengzong didn't want her to die. So chunzhengzong came out to protect her. Meisheng got away from it perfectly!

These forces in Chuncheng are so complicated that Su Su still hasn't got a clear idea. She looks back at the letter in her hand from a distance. At the end, Mei Shengnan writes a sentence,

"Chunzhengzong will cut off the supply of fangyoumao materials in the near future!"

This sentence used three exclamation marks, it can be seen that the matter is serious, but chunzhengzong wants to cut off the material supply of fangyoumao, how to cut off? Did you destroy Bafang village or what???

Mei Shengnan didn't make it clear. It's said that now Fang Shuyi comes to Bafang village to buy chicken and vegetables. He sends planes to come and go, and there is no land way to get in and out of Chuncheng. How can chunzhengzong send people to destroy Bafang village? Are you ready to go empty? That spring should send a plane team! Otherwise, Bafang village will not be destroyed easily.

Su Su twists her eyebrows and puts Mei Shengnan's letter away. After a while, she goes out and talks with Ye Yu. During this period, she tries to pay attention to some visitors in the air and put more energy into the air. Ye Yu comes in.

She only felt that the sofa around her sank, and Ye Yu sat beside her, stretched out a hand and held her shoulder. Su Su tilted her head, and before she could speak to Ye Yu, she saw Ye Yu's sharp face come together, and her body weight also pressed her on the bed.

"Ye..." Su Su jumps in her heart. Before she understands what happened, Ye Yu's mouth blocks her mouth. She grabs Mei Shengnan's letter and reaches out to hit him. Her head turns to the side and looks at the direction of the door. The door of the bedroom is closed by Ye Yu.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa"

Outside the door, Xiao AI's cry came over. Ye Yu, who was lying on Su Su, was shocked. He turned from a wolf into a gentleman. He frowned and quickly got up from Su Su Su. He sat beside the bed, staring at Su Su Su fiercely.

"Ha ha ha!"

Su Su is lying, I don't know how to smile a little complacent, Ye Yu wants to attack her?! Now I have to ask Xiao AI if she agrees.

"Still laughing?! What's so funny? "

Forget to tell Ye Yu about the orthodox spring!

After Ye Yu ran out of the house, Su Su remembered that she grinned and rubbed her chest, which was hurt by Ye Yu's pinching. Just now, Ye Yu was making a lot of noise. Before telling him about Mei Zi's letter, she arranged her clothes and walked out of the bedroom. As soon as she came out, she saw that Ye Yu, Su's father and Su's mother were coaxing around Xiao AI in turn, but Xiao AI didn't buy it, I opened my throat and cried.

"Mom, is it time to add supplementary food to Xiao AI?"

Su Su reaches out and hugs Xiao'ai, who is crying all the time. Xiao'ai bows her head and goes to Su Su's chest to find food. She remembers that when she came back, she gave Xiao'ai a round of feeding in Ye Yu's car. Now Xiao'ai is hungry again, so Su Su Su thinks that milk may not be able to satisfy Xiao'ai's appetite.

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