Ch. 520 - Ch. 529

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Ch. 520:

"But old chief, this is a golden opportunity. Do you think your legs will hurt when it rains? Can your heart beat as if you were young? And even as like as two peas, the young one is just like a young man. As long as you get the gift from heaven, you will have a chance to show those younger generations your boldness and style in those years. "

Hua Hua, sitting opposite chunzhengzong, persuades chunzhengzong. Chunzhengzong is very moved by his words. However, when he thinks of chunshisan in Su Su Su's hand, he is somewhat hesitant, so he thinks about it and can only spit it out in one sentence,

"It's not so easy. If you want to take people from Bafang village, you have to pay an unprecedented price."

"I know you have an inside man in pupa town..."

"Do you mean to expose this man just to get a gift?"

Chun Zhengzong looks at Hua Hua. Hua Hua nods her head seriously. She uses a long-standing internal agent to get a healing power. How is the deal worth it?! What's more, if the insider is smart enough, there should be corresponding measures to prevent him from being exposed too early. If his whereabouts are exposed because of a child, such insider can't be used to a great extent.

"Don't hesitate, chief. You can bury your body again, but you can't wait. In another ten or twenty years, you are old, and now there is no suitable successor for Chuncheng. You have to jump around and wait to give Chuncheng to the most capable one of the Chuns."

This sentence makes Chun Zhengzong's eyes stare at Hua Hua seriously for a while. Yes, Hua Hua is talking about his point. Seeing the four districts of Chuncheng, Fang Youmao has taken two of them and Su Su Su has taken one of them by force. Chun Zhengzong has nothing to do, and no one under him can take this situation.

Chunzhengzong himself has two sons and three daughters, but those two sons are of little use before the end of the world. One can read dead books, and the other can't read. As a result, after the end of the world, whether it's reading dead books or not, they all become zombies. Now chunzhengzong has only three daughters. What can women do?

In addition, there are a lot of grandsons and granddaughters, who fight for this or that all day long. They are so noisy that Chun Zhengzong wants to sigh as soon as he comes home.

His grandchildren have some good seedlings, but it will take more than ten or twenty years to grow up, take over Chuncheng and regain the lost land left by the ancestors of chunjia. But chunzhengzong is old. He is 60 years old this year, and his body is full of old wounds. It will not be many years before he can walk around.

If so, it's really worthwhile to trade an insider for his 20 years of wandering time.

Thinking of this, Chun Zhengzong nods. He agrees with Hua Hua that he should take the risk of being exposed and steal tiangei from Bafang village. That's right, he wants to "steal" it, because it turns out that blatant big moves, such as burning, killing and looting, will eventually lead to Su Su Su's strong retaliation.

Chuncheng can't stand any more twists and turns, and the Chuns can't stand any more twists and turns. In order to give the Chuns a chance to recuperate, chunzhengzong and Huahua discussed that they should steal Tianci from Bafang village without knowing it. At that time, no one knows who did it, and no one knows where the stolen Tianci will be sent, Spring City laboratory side, can't walk to reveal any news, lest heaven sent a missing, Su Su will directly doubt the eyes, turn to the body of spring ORTHODOX.

After all this was agreed, chunzhengzong immediately turned around and began to arrange for stealing. In pupa Town, the insider who hasn't been moved for a long time is ready to move again

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