Ch.4 - Ch.7

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Ch.4 :

Xie Qingyan looks at Su Su in disbelief. He subconsciously thinks that the word "roll" is said to Ye Yu, just like Su Su kicked him before. In fact, he kicked Ye Yu?

"Su Su, if he doesn't go away, let's go. I'll get justice for you."

Xie Qingyan reaches out and walks to Su Su in great pain. Su Su steps forward quickly and kicks Xie Qingyan's crotch. In Xie Qingyan's painful hum, Su Su Su says fiercely:

"Xie Qingyan, don't let me see you again, because the next time I see you, it's your death!"

Ye Yu, who has been dressed neatly on one side, looks at Su Su's merciless foot and unconsciously clamps her buttocks. The situation is a little strange. Is it hard for Su Su Su to stand the blow and become insane? So mistaking your boyfriend for her attacker?

What will he do if he is an authentic enemy???

"Su Su, are you crazy?" Covering his crotch, Xie Qingyan couldn't bear it any more. He rolled twice on the ground in pain, "are you hating me? I know. You hate me. Last night I didn't know that Bai Luoluo had drugged you! "

Oh, yes, there is a white fall!

Su Su remembers that the reason why she and Ye Yu make the bed sheet today is because Bai Luoluo has put some medicine into her drink. According to Bai Luoluo, she just wants to teach Su Su a lesson. Who knows that Su Su will run upstairs to the bar and meet the soldier ruffian who comes to the bar for a party of comrades in arms. If she doesn't run upstairs, Instead, they turn to Xie Qingyan for help. It's not Ye Yu who rolls the sheets with Su Su today, but Xie Qingyan.

Look, everything has become Su Su's fault again!

She sneered and looked at Xie Qingyan, who was sweating with pain on the ground. She said, "you're right. I hate you, Xie Qingyan. While there's still a little time, you'd better meet Bai Luoluo in these days when you're alive, so that she won't quarrel and be jealous when she's all right and give people drugs everywhere!"

Bai Luoluo, Bai Xueli, these two bitches, as well as those who help these two bitches to resell Xiao AI. After 45 days, Su Su wants to make them die more and more ugly!

At that time, because Bai Luoluo was jealous of Su Su's ice power, he became one of the best experts in the whole Xiangda team. So he took advantage of Su Su's mission and asked Xie Qingyan to hold Xiao AI out. They had no compassion at all. No matter how the crying Xiao AI called his uncle and aunt, they forced Xiao AI to sell to Bai Xueli, Bai Xueli sells Xiao AI to scar again.

Su Su comes back from her mission and finds that Xiao AI is missing. When she looks around, all the people who are familiar with this matter choose to hide her. Even after Su Su Su finds out the truth, there are people who help Xie Qingyan and Bai Luoluo, who want to kill Su Su Su. Such scum is uglier than stinky ditch, There is really no need to live in this world.

Su Su cleaned up these people and made a contribution to the end of the world. He should purify the world!

A foot on Xie Qingyan's finger, in Xie Qingyan's scream, Su Su skirt floats out of the door of the room, scum can't kill now, then she will find something else to do, such as hoarding some materials before the end of time!

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