Ch. 590 - Ch. 599

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Ch. 590:

"Certainly alive, otherwise it would not be Su Su."

Fang Youmao slowly turned another page of the book, with a carefree expression. Of course, he knew that chunzhengzong couldn't see him. Since he was young, chunzhengzong hated his gentle and polite appearance, so Fang Youmao had to read in front of chunzhengzong whenever he had time. He just liked chunzhengzong, ha ha ha!

The struggle between the two men has nothing to do with the current situation.

If you look at the spring city, I'm afraid that it can't stand any more devastation. The survivors who are still alive are dug out and almost immediately load their cars and leave. The direction of leaving the spring city is also different.

Some of the injured people are too seriously injured to stay in Chuncheng and not be transported away, but basically, it means that there is no possibility of treatment for these injured people.

For those survivors who left, to the north, there is the capital base, to the south, there is pupa Town, to the west, there is a large gathering place for human survivors, to the East, there is the Xiangcheng army of chuxuan.

It's not the point where these survivors choose to go. The point is that they leave Chuncheng and go to different destinations. In Chuncheng, only some soldiers are left. The survivors are lying on the ground and wailing for death. In the ruins, there are no survivors in rags. Only these soldiers, Still struggling to wave a shovel, digging the ruins of the survivors.

On the second floor below the ground, Su Su wakes up. After a few hours, the fire on the mound is still jumping. Inside the mound, the smell of potatoes and sweet potatoes is spreading. A group of children are waiting for food around the mound. Another group of children are playing on the ice slide.

There is a child, very close to Su Su's side, gave her a warm potato, Su Su laughed, reached out to touch the child's head, and saw a little love, little love was held in Su's arms, small hands holding a big potato, is giggling, as if to get a big baby in general.

Tianci also holds a potato in his hand and stands on the edge of the metal bed shelf. Watching Xiaoai bite, he also learns to bite. Chou Shijia sits beside Tianci and is helping Tiansheng feed milk.

Su Su yawned, took the potatoes, rubbed the eye excrement from the corner of her eyes, got up to move her body, ate the potatoes again, and began to work. She couldn't wait for the rescue for a long time, so she planned to get some water men by herself and clean the stones in the escape stairs to see if there was any hope to go out.

A few older children follow Su Su because of curiosity. Su Su finds a door and condenses several water men. They start to move the gravel out of the emergency stairs. They also help. Without Su Su Su's greeting, they automatically roll up their sleeves and help the water men move the stones together.

"Don't touch the steel bars." Su Su stood outside the escape door, controlling the water man, and told the children to stay away from the steel bar, "just move some small stones, pay attention to safety."

In fact, Su Su doesn't need these children to do anything. In this situation, as long as these children don't cry, don't make trouble for adults, they will give her the best help. But since these children want to help move the pieces, Su Su won't stop them.

They will always grow up and have to have a day to reflect their self-worth. It is better for them to realize their self-worth in advance than to be protected by her forever.

After a while, some smaller children also came. Maybe they were influenced by the older children. The children also actively helped to move the stones. Their strength was not so strong, so they moved the smaller ones. Soon, more than half of the stones blocked in the escape door were cleared.

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