Ch. 190 - Ch. 199

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Ch. 190:

Today Chu Xuan came here to convey the new regulations to the powers in the apple villa area. The second is to explore whether the Su family's land has changed as Erhu said. If the soil has changed, the Su family will have to move.

In order to survive and develop the base, food and water are the most important rear areas. In order to make the whole base survive, it is also necessary to do something to seize.

Chu Xuan doesn't think his idea is wrong. Some of them have guns, encircle the safe area, keep the peace of this side, bear the life and death of so many people, and exchange the grievances of a small number of people for the livelihood of a large number of people. This account is worth it anyway.

Of course, in fact, his practice is the same as Xie Qingyan's, except that Xie Qingyan's practice is petty and has no force value, and he tries to ride on the head of the strong, and he doesn't realize that this has actually become a world where the strong are respected.

Su Su and Ye Yu are better than them, but Chu Xuan doesn't think Su Su and Ye Yu can afford it. Su Su's baby has not been born, but it has become their weakness. In order to make the baby born safely and smoothly, they must not dare to compete with the whole safe area.

This point, Lu Yin and his idea is the same, for the sake of children, of course, everything is for the sake of children!

In the small flat in front of Su's villa, Ye Yu whistled. All the 17 special forces went to a villa for a meeting. He left King Kong standing outside. He didn't know what to worry about. He turned his head and looked at the turbid world in the courtyard,

All the people turned their heads and looked at zhuoshijia in the yard. However, zhuoshijia frowned and walked out of the yard. He went to the baby building without any feeling.

King Kong immediately turns around and follows zhuoshijia's buttocks. Junjiu, who comes out of the medical building, stares at Lixia, looks at Lixia's back, blushes for a moment, and then goes out of the yard to the baby room.

The powers who came to treat the injured were still cursing and complaining about LV Yin in the medical building. It was getting late, but King Kong followed zhuoshijia and nagged, "doctor Zhuo, doctor Zhuo, do you really want to go to LV Yin's hospital? Ah, I'll tell you, that LV Yin is not a good man. If you go to his hospital, it doesn't mean that you send sheep into tiger's mouth? How nice we are here... Balabalabalabala. "

Chou Shijia walked all the way, took out the stethoscope in her white coat, and went into the baby building. She stood at the door and listened. It seemed that the baby building was very quiet. She didn't hear any baby crying except for a few baby babbling. She turned and raised her hand to stop King Kong's words of persuasion

"Your voice is too loud. Don't talk. It will scare the babies."

"No, you have to tell me the bottom, or I'm not sure." King Kong stepped back and stood outside the door. His face was very persistent. It seemed that if Zhuo Shijia didn't give him an answer, he would make trouble with her all night.

Chou Shijia stood in the shadow of the door and frowned at King Kong. He straightened his back and waited. So Chou Shijia waved, put the stethoscope in his pocket, went out and took King Kong to the quiet place in the backyard.

In the backyard of this villa, there are some wooden wine barrels full of wine. I don't know where pigo got them. Originally, they wanted to send them to the trading house to change the crystal nucleus, but they were stopped by Ye Yu and others. They thought that they could drink the wine when they set the table in the future, so they have been piling up in the backyard of the baby building, and no one has moved.

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