Ch. 600 - Ch. 609

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Ch. 600:

Not far away, in the heavy snow, Chunlai pulled his wife all the way to the three buses, still swearing: "do you care about your mother-in-law, son and daughter? Don't make trouble here for me. I don't know when it's time. Hurry to get on the bus. Su Su's car has started. "

Seeing that Zhuo Shijia and King Kong have already got on the ambulance, the ambulance is just behind Su Su's RV. According to the plan, after the ambulance is the bus of the orphanage children. If Chunlai's wife doesn't get on the bus again, she will have to stay in Chuncheng.

So Chunlai is dying of anxiety, but Chunlai's wife is obstinate, saying that she would not cooperate with Chunlai. She only heard her cry in the snow: "come on, husband and wife, we've been married for 10 years. Without you, I don't know how to go next. Chunlai, Alai, you're going to live or die. We're not old, But I have a companion on the way to huangquan. "

"I don't want you to accompany me. You go with your son and daughter. Go away quickly. I can find a third son on my way to huangquan to be happy. If you look at me, I will be in charge of the underworld. Get away quickly."

Spring is also crying, this situation, accompanied by his ten years of Huang Lian Po, once as if dressed for dinner in general used to her existence, to be separated from such a person, spring is difficult to move.

In the military truck beside him, the soldiers who were loaded in the green carriage were weeping and watching Chun Lai drive his wife away. Chun Lai was in a hurry. He went over with a knife and knocked his wife to the ground. He also rushed to give his wife to GA Zi.

Looking at Gazi holding the fainted Chunlai wife to chase the children's bus, Chunlai a big man, standing alone in the snow, carrying a gun, looking at the wife and children on the bus, crying.

After leaving Su Su's RV, a black Humvee drove over from afar and stopped in front of the RV. Mei Shengnan opened the rear seat door of the Humvee, got out of the car wearing black fur and high boots, went to the door of the RV, knocked, and Su's father opened the door for Mei Shengnan.

She came up, stood on the door of the saloon car, nodded politely to Su Fu, and then looked at Su Su standing by the bed. Su Su was looking down at Ye Yu wiping Xiaoai's face, as if she felt Mei Shengnan's eyes. She held bandage in one hand and Iodophor in the other. She turned her head and asked Mei Shengnan silently: what's the matter?

"I come to say goodbye to you."

Mei Sheng Nan's beautiful face, set off by a black fur coat, is more elegant. She looks like some crystal clear tears in her eyes. Looking at Su Su, she says:

"I've decided to go to the capital base with Fang Shuyi. Su Su, take care of yourself. When you are free... When you are free..."

She was reluctant to part with Su Su again. Over the past few years, it should be a good day. Even though there are thousands of customs, who can tell her?

She thinks that Su Su is suffering from Xiao AI's fever now. In fact, she may not be in the mood to say goodbye to her. But Mei Shengnan has to say something else to Su Su Su. Mei Shengnan has to say something to Su Su Su.

So Su Su looked at her in silence, but Mei Shengnan couldn't give up laughing and shed tears. She stood a few meters away from Su Su and didn't get close to Su Su Su. She just said, "thank you. In fact, you don't know how much I thank you. I think the luckiest thing in my life is to go to Bafang village and meet you in Bafang village, No matter I am poor or rich, Su Su, as long as you say, I will go through fire and water for you. "

She thinks that if she marries Fang Shuyi, her future will not be very bad, but no matter what she looks like in the future, Mei Shengnan will remember Su Su. Su Su Su pulled her in time when her life was the most gloomy and miserable. When she sold herself, Su Su Su set a sky high price for her. Moreover, Su Su Su told her that she was Mei Shengnan, It's worth the sky high price.

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