Ch. 530 - Ch. 539

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Ch. 530:

When Su Su Su rushes in, he sees a picture of Maomao biting Tianci's ass. now Tianci is pressing Xiaoai, Maomao is pressing Tianci, Tianci and Xiaoai are crying!

"Maomao!" Su Su's eyes darkened, and he seemed to see the death time of heaven's gift. He also saw King Kong and zhuoshijia incarnated as revenge envoys. They wanted to spend all their lives to avenge the poisoned heaven's gift

Behind him, Su Su's father and mother slowed down, and Su Su ran into the room. Seeing this, Su's mother cried with heartache: "little love, little love, oh, your face is bleeding!"

Now it's not the relationship between Xiao AI's face bleeding and not bleeding, but the relationship between God's being bitten by Maomao and being about to die!

Su Su's mind is full of thoughts. He looks at the God given ass, eh? There's no cut on that ass!

And the one who should, probably, might have been bitten and would have been killed immediately was crying, crying, one second, two seconds, three seconds... Eh? Half a minute later, why hasn't the gift been poisoned by Maomao? Or is the gift not bitten at all?

Su Su feels that she is really in a trance. In Su Su's mother's fussy cry, she stands beside Tianci and Xiaoai's bed and stares at Tianci's buttocks, because Tianci is wearing open crotch pants, and the two little buttocks are exposed. In Su Su Su's impression, she seems to be aiming at the half second lens and see a snake bite on Tianci's buttocks.

Why not now?

A minute later, Tianci was still crying under Xiaoai's pressure. Xiaoai twisted her body and saw that her mother just stood by the bed and didn't help her, and her grandmother didn't dare to pull Tianci because Tianci was too weak. She couldn't hold Xiaoai's hand and tightly pulled Xiaoai's clothes. Xiaoai had to support herself and began to push Tianci with her hand.

Outside the door, King Kong heard the news and rushed in from the outside. Maomao had already slipped down from Tianci's buttocks. Su Su only saw King Kong standing by the window to see the situation of the two children. Then he reached out and forced Tianci to lift up Xiaoai. He held Tianci's back collar and scolded

"You son of a bitch, have you learned to bite? What do you think you've done to love? Look at it yourself?!! Little love is bleeding

Su Su is a little guilty. When King Kong lifted up the gift, she reached out and picked up Xiao AI. She specially looked at the open crotch pants of the gift. There are some blue birthmarks on the exposed buttocks. Every child's buttocks are blue, which is very normal. But where is the wound Maomao bit?

Could it be that he was made paranoid by the spy recently, and had hallucination?!

Just thinking about it, Ye Yu jumps in from the door again. He takes a look at Xiao AI, who is crying in Su Su's arms. He stares at King Kong angrily and says:

"Vajra, you grandson, look at what your son has done and bite the face of Laozi girl like this, you grandson..."

King Kong is full of shame. He takes Tianci and slaps Tianci's buttocks in front of Ye Yu. Tianci, who was not easy to be quiet, cries again. Su Su Su feels guilty and is a little confused. She always thinks that Tianci should be bitten by Maomao. Originally, Tianci is going to die, As a result, the wound disappeared for no reason, so Su Su didn't care to ask for justice for Xiao AI. Instead, she said to King Kong:

"Forget it, don't fight. Your family is thin. Don't fight."

"I'm sorry, Su Su. When doctor Zhuo wakes up, I'll let doctor Zhuo take this son of a bitch and make a solemn apology to your little love. I'm sorry."

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