Ch. 560 - Ch. 569

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Ch. 560:

The urgent situation, like a knife hanging on everyone's head, is pulling the nerves of Chuncheng people tightly. Except for the East District, the other three districts are in chaos. At night, Su Su Su comes out of her yard with a quilt in her hand. Without saying a word, she goes to the ugly man and throws his thick quilt to him, Then quietly went back to the house to eat.

Just after the first supper, someone reported that there was a folk team in the Southern District, leading more than 100 people to kill them from the gate between the Southern District and the eastern district.

I don't know where these 100 or so people went, whether they went north or south. We don't know. We only know that when they rushed out, Fang Youmao's troops on the wall had to help contain some zombies, making the team run more smoothly.

Then everyone is saying that if we want to leave, we should leave as soon as possible, because Fang Youmao still has manpower and material resources, and his troops can spare hands to control the zombies.

Su Su's head is low, holding chopsticks in his hand and fiddling with the white rice in the bowl. Su Su's father and mother are all worried. Ye Yu sits beside Su Su Su and feeds Xiao AI with a dignified face. Su Su Su doesn't speak and doesn't express any opinions on this incident. It's hard for everyone here to express their ideas.

When the reporter went out, Su Su frowned and said to Ye Yu, "if you have time tomorrow, look in the East District and prepare a car. Make it stronger and make preparations. I think the spring city will get worse and worse."

As long as we worked together, we could get through the difficulties. Now, with the ignorance of these non-governmental teams, I'm afraid that the already bad situation will get worse and worse. It's said that eight airplanes have encountered mutated birds, and the air route is impassable. But as long as we give Fang Youmao time, we can sort out a road on the land, The material supply of Bafang village can also be reconnected.

But who will give Fang time? Although Fang Youmao has made two preparations, and he himself has said that he will do his best to prepare for the worst, but the worst situation is created by the folk team.

If Fang Youmao can't hold on, the pressure on the eastern and northern districts will suddenly increase. Although the eastern and northern districts are always short of materials, what people can't stop is that people's hearts are always defeated.

Ye Yumo nodded his head in silence, and his frown Never loosened. Su's father and Su's mother also ate in silence. On the whole table, except for the sound of little love's babbling, everyone didn't speak again.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Su Su coaxes Xiao AI to sleep. She washes her hair, spreads her long hair, sits in front of the dresser, looks at her very young face in the mirror, sighs, and holds her shoulders with a pair of warm hands. Ye Yu stands behind Su Su Su Su Su, droops her head and says in a low voice:

"Sigh what? You can rest assured that I will protect you. "

"I don't sigh for that." Su Su chuckled and looked at Ye Yu in the mirror, "I just feel that the spring city has a sense of the past, although the eastern district is still struggling."

It was at this time that there was a sudden explosion on the edge of the eastern wall. Xiao AI, who was lying on the bed, shivered all over her body. The beams above Su Su and Ye Yu's head were also shaken to a layer of ash.

She raised her head and looked at Ye Yu. Both of them had a dignified look in their eyes. Ye Yu said, "you look good on Xiao AI and mom and dad. I'll go out and have a look."

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