Ch. 410 - Ch. 419

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Ch. 410:

After waiting for the opportunity for a long time, nannanmu finally found the most lax defense moment in pupa Town, that is, Xiaoai and Tianci had diarrhea at the same time. Vajra and Ye Yu didn't want to protect pupa town. Muyang was injected with the doomsday vaccine and entered into the evolution of the body. Nannanmu took advantage of these days to join forces with his inner men and bury explosives in all pupa shells used as greenhouses.

At the same time, in order to make Bafang village no longer provide food and rice for Fang Youmao, chunzhengzong specially ordered nannanmu to secretly dig up the wood talents from pupa town. However, they believed that the biggest harvest of this operation was not to destroy all the pupa shell greenhouses in pupa Town, nor to dig up many wood talents, but to dig up he an, and he an had the most valuable one, It's the doomsday vaccine with a 76% chance of success.

Chunzhengzong doesn't care whether the doomsday vaccine is aimed at children or only has a 76% chance of success. The probability of ordinary people awakening their powers is too low. Chunzhengzong thinks that as long as he has the doomsday vaccine, even if it has only a 76% probability, he can form an army of powers one day as long as he can greatly expand the number of powers in his hands.

At that time, what kind of spring city has appearance? Chunzhengzong doesn't need to pay attention at all. The whole world will be his, and will care about a small spring city?

Therefore, nannanmu should be warm to he'an.

Soon, after receiving he an, nannanmu arranged for he an and his research materials to go to Chuncheng. All this developed very quickly. As long as he an ran out of pupa town and entered Xiangcheng, he an would be safe. As soon as he got in touch with nannanmu's people, Ye Yu, King Kong and others wanted to trace he an's whereabouts again, it would be impossible.

After working all night, they caught Ye Yu and King Kong in Xiangcheng, but they didn't catch he an. Not only he an didn't catch him, but also nannanmu didn't show up. They had to go home bitterly.

In the morning of the second day, Su Su and Xiao'ai are still sleeping on the bed. Su Su sleeps on the edge of the bed. Xiao'ai kicks off the quilt in a big shape. With such a small body, Su Su occupies more than half of the bed. On the other side of the bed, Su Su Su puts three high back chairs to prevent Xiao'ai from turning over and falling off the bed in the middle of the night.

When ye Yu comes in, Su Su is still awake. He first covers the quilt that Xiao AI kicked off, and then shakes Su Su up. Looking at Su Su with a confused face, Ye Yu says solemnly:

"Su, I didn't finish what you told me. He an ran away."

"Run away..." Su Su's eyes are still hazy, while wiping the eye excrement, while yawning, sitting on the edge of the bed to think for a while, nodding, some dull expression said: "he an took away Dr. Hong's information in the middle of the night, you can't catch people is normal, don't worry, tired all night, sleep, wake up, we go to spring city."

Now that he an has run away, and there is clear evidence that he an is going to join chunzhengzong, it's not depressing whether he an can catch up with him. If you want to get Xiaoai's serum specimen back, why don't you go directly to chunzhengzong?

No matter how much time it takes to find chunzhengzong, all problems will be solved.

Anyway, Su Su originally planned to send several people to harass Chun Zhengzheng. Now it's just right. With the help of he'an, she and Ye Yu come to visit the spring city!

"I dare not sleep." Ye Yu's mood can't do Su Su so relaxed, his eyes are a little red, looking at Su Su, with a face of guilt, "I'm afraid that once I fall asleep, my girl will be caught and dissected."

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