Ch. 630 - Ch. 639

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Ch. 630:

Su Su didn't have time to put down the snow wrapped in Xiao AI's body. Xiao AI twisted towards Su Su and fell on Su Su's body. Su Su couldn't help but vomit blood, but she held back and silently looked down at the little girl.

"Mom, mom!"

Xiao AI holds Su Su Su's neck, her face is still rubbing against Su Su's chest, and her mouth is sticky. That kind of feeling makes Su Su Su hard to push away this small body.

"Who is your mother?"

Su Su looked as like as two peas in the face. She felt the same question as she had seen in her heart. But she didn't want to. Xiao AI looked up at Su Su and cried

"Mama, mama."

Children are very sensitive. As soon as Xiao AI pours on Su Su, Su Su will reach out and hold her. But now Su Su doesn't hold her. Instead of holding her, she doesn't even smile at her. Although Xiao AI's vocabulary is limited, and she doesn't know what Su Su Su is asking or thinking about, she feels very scared. She doesn't know why her mother has disappeared for so long, Why don't you hold her and smile at her.

So Xiao AI can only cry to ask Su Su to return to the way she used to be.

The little girl cried a little heartbreak, Su Su couldn't help but stretch out a stiff arm, hugged Xiao AI, Xiao AI immediately stopped crying, head tilted, leaning against Su Su Su's arms, a very clever look.

The snake king Maomao swam up from the hollow, and his body became smaller and smaller. In Su Su's vigilant and surprised eyes, he climbed up Xiao AI's body, arched her collar and went in. So Su Su suddenly understood that the reason why the little girl could survive in this kind of old forest was that she recovered a mutant snake king.

As like as two peas, Xie Qingyan's head began to ache again. There was a little girl who hated her most. She had a little girl who was just like her little love. This made Su Su feel dizzy. She thought, wondering if it was safe here. She could only hold a little love in one hand, and hold up the roots with one hand, and barely stood up.

She has to leave here as soon as possible so that she won't faint in a moment. The people sent by Xie Qingyan will rush into the forest. What's the danger for her and the child.


Little love in her arms, holding Su Su Su's neck, just waiting for Su Su to stand up, little love sees Ye Yu, who faints in the snow behind the big tree. The child points to Ye Yu and shouts his father?!

Su Su looked as like as two peas, and looked at the little love. She suddenly realized a causal relationship. The child was the same as little love, because the child and little love were all the same blood, the same kind of seeds, like Ye Yu's daughter.

She felt that she had finally found out the truth of the matter, and immediately felt a trace of compassion for Ye Yu in her heart. An ice chain came out of her palm and entangled Ye Yu's ankle. When she went to the deep forest with her baby in her arms, she also dragged Ye Yu away.

Anyway, they are father and daughter. This child is still Xiao AI's sister. We can't ignore it!

By this time, it was getting dark. Small survivors gathered in the area and began to burn their bodies. If the bodies were not burned, there was no place to put them. If they were piled up at will, they might as well burn them all.

Everyone gathered around the fire and watched the bodies being thrown into the fire. They didn't feel any sadness. Even they would occasionally communicate with each other, tell a few jokes and smile. They didn't think that these people were dead and had nothing to do with themselves.

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