Ch. 640 - Ch. 649

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Ch. 640:

Most of the time, Xie Yaoshi knows that he is wrong, but Xie's mother entrusted Xie Qingyan to him because he killed himself by biting his tongue. Therefore, Xie Qingyan is a responsibility that he can't give up. He is affectionate and righteous, but he has an unfriendly brother, which makes Xie's whole life go in a different direction.

Not tired? Is Xie Yaoshi not tired when he knows that he is going the wrong way? On this road, he had no friends, no relatives, no self-esteem, no bottom line, no one to trample on. With such a heavy shell as Xie Qingyan on his back, Xie Yaoshi was already tired.

The blood on her back was gurgling, which made Feifei kneel on the ground. Feifei burst into tears, holding Xie Yaoshi in her arms and shouting for a doctor. Xie Yaoshi, however, looked at Su Su with more and more lax consciousness. She laughed as if she had been spoiled by a big brother before the end of the world,

"Take care."

Gently, "treasure" two words, just like a short separation, he is about to travel far away, but will soon come back, he before leaving, told his little sister, cherish, take care, and then... Farewell.

In the bright light, Su Su had a golden ball spinning on her head. She suddenly remembered that many years ago, when flowers were blooming in the street, she was led by Xie Qingyan and slowly sat in the garden of Xie's villa. The white dining table was full of fruits. Xie Yaoshi was wearing a white shirt. The collar was slightly loosened and the Adam's apple rolled. He was sitting opposite her, Listen to Xie Qingyan introduce her to Xie's family, and then show her a friendly smile.

"Hello, my name is Xie Yaoshi. You can call me big brother just like Qingyan."

Through a fruit basket, Xie Yaoshi held out his hand, gently grasped Su Su's hand, and introduced himself. At that time, Su Su felt that the so-called mature man's charm was about the same as Xie Yaoshi's, so confident, so proud, and so friendly.

Susu is a little sad, holding Xiaoai, and walking towards Xie Yaoshi for two steps. The long memory is turned out by her, which makes her brain a little confused. Then Susu lowers her head and watches him slowly close his eyes. His undulating chest is still calm, and Feifei is still crying wildly. People around her come and go, and they can't take away her sadness.

In his eyes, there is Su Su's small silhouette. Even if he closed his eyelids, he always looked at her until he died. It was as if he saw her at the beginning of that year. Across the dining table, his eyes were always on her. He was warm and worried about her.

Xie Yaoshi is dead. It's just suicide.

Outside the gas station, soldiers struggle to pull the cordon. When the real early sun comes, the mutant ant finally retreats. Ye Yu holds Su Su Su and Xiao AI in his arms and gets on a car prepared by Chu Xuan. Chu Xuan cleans up the scene and picks up all the crystal nuclei of the mutant ant. Then he comes to take charge of Feifei's body.

"Well, brother Xie, I'll take him to see Cao Xiujie whether he lives or dies."

Ignoring Feifei's sadness, chuxuan takes people and forces Xie Yaoshi's body to be carried onto the car. Feifei refuses. Chuxuan passes by with a butt of a gun, stuns Feifei and drags him onto another car.

When he did such a thing, not far away, in a military car, Ye Yu was sitting in the driver's seat, while Su Su was sitting in the co driver's seat with Xiao AI in her arms. She turned her head, her cold features, silently watched Chu Xuan snatch the body, and saw a soldier running over in a hurry, standing at attention and saluting Chu Xuan

"Report, Xie Qingyan ran away."

Chu Xuan spits on the ground, turns his head and looks at Su Su. His eyes turn around in his eyes. The haze on his face slides down from his cheek. He smiles to Su Su Su in a smooth tone

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