Ch. 100 - Ch. 109

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Ch. 100:

Ye Yu, who was leading the group to the 11th floor of the Department of Neonatology, stopped and looked back at the locked emergency door in the Department of obstetrics. The door was a little quiet and unusual. When they climbed the emergency stairs, zombies were clapping and yelling behind the emergency door on each floor, as if it was busy. Only the emergency door in the Department of obstetrics was the quietest, It's so quiet that you can hear the sound of a needle falling down inside.

In the dark corridor, the green emergency light is tinged with strange light. People look at each other, look at you, look at me, and then look at him. Finally, they all focus on Su Su.

Su Su looked back at the emergency obstetric door with two doors. Through the crack of the door, she saw that it was black and red. It seemed that it was full of blood, and some viscera and other things were wrapped in the blood. There was an iron bolt on the door, and there were red blood fingerprints on the iron bolt. It seemed that a survivor escaped from the door and was forced to lock it.

She took back her foot on the steps and went to the emergency door of the obstetrics department for a few steps. The five senses unfolded and roughly sensed the situation inside. She really didn't notice any sign of zombie activity. She was reaching out to open the iron bolt on the door. In the quiet corridor, with people's breathing and heartbeat, a short message sound came out.

All of a sudden, they all looked at Chou Shijia. Chou Shijia's face was a little embarrassed. He took out his cell phone, looked at it, looked up and said to Su Su:

"It's from a colleague in the blue light room. He asked us where we have been. A baby has been dehydrated. I hope we can go up as soon as possible."

"Then go up and check the obstetrics later."

Su Su shrugged her shoulders and looked up to the obstetrics department. Standing below, she could hear the howling of zombies in the Department of neonatology. This is the Department of neonatology. It's better to go to the Department of Neonatology to deliver milk powder first.

So everyone nodded and agreed, especially pigo, who was going to see his son soon. Naturally, he didn't want to waste any more time. Su Su said that he was in favor of raising both hands and feet. He was eager to run forward.

Seeing that Pi Ge was about to squeeze to the front, the fortune teller of the gold Department reached out and took PI GE's back collar and left him behind. Ye Yu also nodded and agreed to go to the neonatal department first.

He turned and pushed PI Ge, threw PI ge back and in front of Vajra. Vajra reached out to lift PI GE's back collar, dragged PI Ge behind him, and forcibly moved PI Ge to the front of the four people. Everyone saw that Pi Ge, the leader of the underworld, was mentioned to Ye Yu. There were four people behind him, and they were very happy.

So he regained his spirits, maintained a relaxed attitude and arrived at the Department of neonatology.

After opening the emergency door of the Department of Neonatology, the number of zombies gradually increased. Many women gave birth before the end of the world. After giving birth, if they had any small problems, they would go to the Department of Neonatology to observe them for two days. As a result, the Department of Neonatology was full of parents, grandparents and relatives who were worried about their babies.

And the end of the world suddenly came. The survivors were blocked by zombies in the outpatient hall downstairs, so they had to run upstairs. Slowly, there were some zombied survivors, and those who were bitten into zombies. As a result, they were all crowded in the top two floors of the inpatient department. The more they went up, the more zombies there were.

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