Ch. 110 - Ch. 119

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Ch. 110:

Sitting on the sofa, Xie Yaoshi has a strong figure, with a spirit that can't be ignored. After listening to Xie Qingyan's words, Xie Yaoshi twisted his eyebrows, flashed a little purple electric flower in his eyes, straightened up and asked in a deep voice:

"To be clear, what's the matter?"

"It's the bastard who bullied Su Su before the end of his life. He didn't die. He came back, found Su Su directly, and manipulated his subordinates to control Su Su's parents. During the period when you went out, Su Su Su's parents were under house arrest in their villa."

Xie Qingyan lowers his head, and his eyes are shining with the pleasure of revenge. Ye Yu, a brute, robbed his Su Su, and smashed the gate of his villa. This time, he wants to repay all his old and new hatred.

Isn't it just a power team? Besides, Ye Yu is no big deal. Now Xie Qingyan also has a power team. Xie Yaoshi's people are his people!

"What's the matter? How did Su Su get bullied? "

Xie Qingyan lowered his head, knelt down in front of Xie Yaoshi and didn't speak. Xie Yaoshi stood up and didn't want to tell others about Su Su's story. He was angry and worried about Su Su. He didn't know what happened to Su Su Su during his absence, Can let Xie Qingyan kneel down to beg him!

After thinking about it, Xie Yaoshi bent down, picked up Xie Qingyan, who was kneeling on the ground, took him upstairs, and said seriously, "what's the matter with you?"

Just when Xie Qingyan didn't know what he had made up in front of Xie Yao's world, Su Su's vision on the bed became blurred gradually. Her ears echoed the name of Ye Yu all the time. Some people were calling and others were laughing. The noise didn't seem to abate, but gradually became louder and louder.

I don't know if it was influenced by Ye Yu's words. He asked her how much she remembered that night. In fact, Su Su didn't remember that night very clearly since her last life. She never recalled that day's episode in her life.

Now she was dreaming. In her dream, she was standing in the bar where the demons were dancing. In front of her was the laughter of a group of young boys and girls. Not far away, a group of elder soldiers seemed to be on holiday. They also went to the bar to have a party, playing cards and rolling dice. They were very noisy.

Su Su felt her brain hurt a little. She turned around and wanted to leave the smoky place. In the dark room, the mixed light was everywhere, and there were people everywhere. She left the group of men and women in front of her, and some of her steps were flighty and went outside. She didn't know how many people she bumped into along the way. When she got to the door, Su Su Su's mind was full of pain, Su Su felt that the world began to turn around.

At this moment, she felt cold all over, shivering and fell outside the door. At this time, a pair of warm hands stretched out from her back and helped Su Su Su who fell on the ground. She was too cold. She turned her head and saw Ye Yu's face. Her eyes looked like Longxing. Su Su Su stretched out her hand and hooked Ye Yu's neck.


Su Su shudders to spit out a word, and then realizes that Ye Yu holds her up. He lowers his head and kisses her lips. While they are entangled, they roll into the elevator. In the golden elevator, Ye Yu stands against Su Su Su, and they fight each other. The smooth elevator door closes the picture in the elevator. Finally, Su Su Su wakes up with a sound of "Ding".

Deeply buried in the memory of the mind, was Ye Yu's words turned out, Su Su touched his cold back, "Teng" sit up, the elevator wall that cold touch, still stay in her back, Su Su's heart, jump a little light.

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