Ch. 540 - Ch. 549

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Ch. 540:

It was at this time that Bai Xueli came out. She wore a zipper down jacket which was easy to take off. She volunteered to go to Shi Xin's bedroom to call Xing Jike. In Shi Xin's bedroom, the light was a little dim. Xing Jike didn't light the light. Bai Xueli stood outside and knocked on the door. She didn't hear any sound inside, so she gently pushed open the door and only opened a crack, She stood outside the door and called softly:

"Commander, commander Xing, you can have dinner. Would you like to come out for dinner?"

No one answered in the dark room, and the surrounding environment seemed very quiet, as if there was only the sound of snow falling. It was clear and delicate. When snow pear was feeling strange, she heard a heavy breath, and then, again, again and again, slowly and quickly.

She hid outside the door, looking for Xing Jike inch by inch in the dark room by the moonlight projected from the window, and finally found Xing Jike on the double leather bed.

He was lying in the middle of the big bed of Shi Xin and Kuang Shiguo, half taking off his trousers, and flying for himself. His hands twitched quickly while he breathed quickly, and his mouth began to be confused and confused, shouting, "Xin'er, Xin'er, Xin'er ~ ~"

Looking at this behavior, I feel that Xing Jike is a little abnormal.

The white snow pear outside the door is shining with a strange brilliance in her eyes. Taking advantage of the moonlight on the snowy night, she pushes the door open, walks in and stands in Shi Xin's bedroom.

"Get out of here. What are you doing here?" Xing Jike seems to have heard the sound of snow pear coming in. He gets up from his bed and stares at snow pear standing in front of him in the moonlight.

Bai Xueli is not moved by Xing Jike's appearance at all. She looks at him with a smile. Her voice is like a yellow oriole in the cold night sky. She says, "commander, in the woman's room that she loves, is it too lonely to do such a thing? Don't you need help? "

"Go away, I don't think you are dirty!"

"Do you think Kuang Shiguo is dirty?"

As she approached Xing Jike step by step, she began to take off her clothes, one by one, her heavy winter clothes, revealing her graceful body. Bai Xueli laughed and walked to the bedside. Although she was too cold to bear the cold, she stood in front of Xing Jike and said:

"On this bed, although he once lay on Shi Xin, Kuang Shiguo also held Shi Xin and rolled on this bed countless times. Commander, are you not curious about how Kuang Shiguo held your beloved woman and used his things to smear Shi Xin's body? In your heart, have you never complained about Shi Xin, or her deep love for you? "

Xing Jike doesn't speak. He stares at Bai Xueli with a gloomy face. Although he doesn't want to let such a woman as Bai Xueli pollute Shi Xin's bedroom, to be honest, what Bai Xueli says actually pokes into his heart.

In Xing Jike's heart, how could he not complain? From the day Shi Xin and quartz moved next door to his home, Xing Jike fell in love with Shi Xin. Such love accompanied him through junior high school, senior high school, University and even adults into the society.

For so many years, he took care of her and held her carefully. As long as it was what Shi Xin wanted, Xing Jike worked hard to get it for Shi Xin. For so many years, he waited for Shi Xin to grow up. He always thought that the day when he could respond to his feelings was the day when Xing Jike married Shi Xin.

But what did Shi Xin return to him? Is suddenly brought back a man named Kuang Shiguo, and a face of sweet told everyone, she will marry Kuang Shiguo, and has been pregnant for 6 weeks.

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