Ch. 550 - Ch. 559

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Ch. 550:

After chatting with Su mu in this way, the mother and daughter basically reached an agreement that Xiaoai and Fang Xiaoshi would not be allowed to play in the future. A few hours later, Tianci and Xiaoai hugged each other and fell asleep in Su Mu's room. Ye Yu and the man in leather also agreed on the details of the attack. Fang Shuyi took everyone back, and everyone began to prepare, Because the operation is more confidential, Ye Yu only informed his several special forces brothers, the rest of the people do not know.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, in order to be afraid that Xiaoai and Tianci would sleep too long and would not go to bed at night, Su Su was going to ask Xiaoai to get up. Su Su Su stopped her and only let her get up with Tianci and go to chuoshijia to play. She let Xiaoai sleep until six o'clock in the afternoon. Xiaoai was full of energy and woke up.

Then Su Su and Ye Yu, and all of us had a quiet dinner. At 9 o'clock in the evening, Su's mother had already coaxed heaven's gift to sleep. Xiao AI was still bouncing and energetic. Su's mother began to complain about Su Su Su, saying that Su Su Su would not arrange the time, so that Xiao AI would not go to bed at two or three o'clock this evening.

Su Su just smiles, but doesn't refute Su mu. She lets Su Mu and Su Fu go to bed. Then at 11 p.m., Su Su drives to the North District with Ye Yu, King Kong, GA Zi and Li Xia in her arms.

Before we got to the front of the military defense in the North District, we heard an explosion. The sudden explosion woke up the whole spring city, and made the zombies outside the wall a little excited. In the dark and boundless snow night, a mushroom like fire cloud soared into the air, and the whole North District was in chaos.

Li Xia, who is in charge of driving, stepped on the gas pedal and drove the car on the street of the North District. As soon as the speed was fast, Xiao AI screamed with joy. Su Su Su began to check her waist stool tied to her waist. The sound of gunfire rang out. You come and I go. When it became more and more dense, Li Xia had already driven into an underground garage.

There are many soldiers standing in the underground parking garage. They seem to have already stood here, waiting for Su Su and others. Lixia stops the car in front of a wall. The wall is painted a big red circle by the group of people. Ye Yu gets out of the car, flies two golden lasers in his hand, and starts cutting along the big red circle.

Behind the wall is chunzhengzong's laboratory under the military defense. Of course, the wall is very thick, very thick. It is impossible for idle people to open the wall with any tools and enter the laboratory from this very tricky angle.

But ye Yu can, his laser can cut all materials, a very, very thick wall, for him, it's not any problem.

At the time of cutting, everyone had prepared the blasting tools. Su Su was holding a waist stool on his waist. Xiao AI was sitting on the waist stool, facing the front, holding a toy style pocket pistol in his hand, and comparing it to the wall. It was quite like the gesture of shooting. Su Su Su was holding Ye Yu's two sabres, one hand and one hand, wearing a sports suit and a sports cap on his head, Standing at the back of the crowd, waiting for Ye Yu to open the wall, she rushed in with Xiao AI.

When ye Yu decided to bring Xiao AI here this time, she didn't ask Su Su for anything. Su Su is not acting by force today. Ye Yu said that her main task is to take Xiao AI to see the world and protect Xiao AI by the way.

At this time, their heads, as if there were thousands of troops passing by, had been rumbling, far and near the gunfire in an endless stream, about 10 minutes later, Ye Yu cut eight walls, finally revealed the white light of the laboratory.

At this time, the scientific researchers in the laboratory were still holding all kinds of test tubes, documents and research materials. They were wearing white biochemical protective clothing and looked at the suddenly collapsed wall. Before they could react, a group of people ran out of the wall hole and surrounded them with weapons in their hands.

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