Ch. 250 - Ch. 259

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Ch. 250:

"Well, be careful."

Su Su's words, Ye Yu naturally has no opinion. They walk all the way to the place where they go down the corridor. Ye Yu takes a step down the steps, turns back and takes Su Su Su's hand, and carefully helps her down. The end of the corridor is the hotel, but the hotel is below. To go to the hotel, you have to walk a small path, which is paved with stone road, It's very neat.

Su Su was standing on the stone road. Looking at it, she saw a towering tree covering half of the corridor. She was a little dazed. She thought that all the cars going in and out of the Bafang villa would have to check carefully. What a fussy thing it was. Then she heard Ye Yu ask again:

"What do you think? Are you entranced? "

Su Su looks back and looks at Ye Yu, who is standing under the stone road and has lowered her own steps. She smiles and sighs: "it's nothing. It's just that it's not peaceful everywhere. It's not peaceful for us to change places and live in seclusion."

"Are you afraid?"

He raised his rough fingers and brushed away the hair on Su Su's cheek. His eyes were a little distressed. Su Su just wanted to have a good life. He didn't even want to have a baby. When will those messy people and things last forever? Ye Yu this instant, in the heart head how many some indignation feeling.

Su Su shakes his head, grabs Ye Yu's bloody hand and walks down the steps, "what are you afraid of? This is the most frightening thing in life. After you have experienced it, you will find that nothing is more frightening than this. "

Ye Yu follows Su Su. Although she grabs her hand, she is always nervous about Su Su's falling down the stairs. Hearing Su Su's words, he is shocked and asks:

"What's the most terrible thing you've ever experienced in life?"

On the path, the trees were mottled, and the golden light spots came out of the leaves and fell on Su Su's face. She turned and looked up at Ye Yu. Her face became extremely cautious. Instead of answering Ye Yu, she said:

"Last night, Zhuo Shijia told me that I had entered the perinatal period."


"Ye Yu, will you protect your daughter with your life?"

"Of course, she's my girl, and I won't let anyone hurt her."

"That's good. Then nothing terrible will happen in my life."

Su Su is obviously relieved. Looking at Ye Yu's puzzled face, he doesn't explain too much. He just turns around, takes Ye Yu's hand and continues to walk to the hotel.

It's lunch time. After lunch, Ye Yu and his brothers continue to patrol in the Bafang villa. By the way, they find chickens to practice their dart skills. Jingang Ze and fortune teller fly a transport plane to send materials to Xie Yaoshi and return the beaten stupid thieves to Chu Xuan.

A Bao Ge picked up two big buckets of rice and went to the parking lot to drive the rice. Su Su was all right. Looking at the weather, she took a Bao Ge's car and wanted to go to Bafang village to see how the trench was dug.

Maybe it was because of the rain last night. The vegetables in the Bafang villa grew very well. So this morning, pigo specially made a big pot of cabbage for the coolies who dug ditches. When he got out of the Bafang villa, there was already a long line there. Although the soldiers and survivors were dressed in old and dirty clothes, they were not in the same style, But everyone was holding an empty bowl in his hand, with a happy smile on his face, waiting for dinner.

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