Ch. 11 - Ch. 15

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Ch. 11 :

"Well, then give me 4000 yuan! Help me to 520 Apple villas. "

"Oh, Miss Qianjin, no wonder she doesn't understand the market. It's the first time she comes out to buy things by herself!"

The owner of the rice shop had a smile on his face again. He took a look at Su Su and saw that Su Su was a soft and weak student who didn't eat people's fireworks. His guess was right! Living in the apple villa area, there are all rich people. Su Su wants to send rice to the apple villa area. What's not a daughter?

Su Su Mu had a face and nodded. He didn't admit it or deny it. He just counted the money for the owner of the rice shop. After leaving the address, he turned and went to the next one.

In the next family, Su Su doesn't plan to buy rice any more. She only has tens of thousands of yuan in total. I don't know if ye Yu's application for resettlement money will be fulfilled. Maybe Ye Yu has already run away. She can buy rice for 4000 yuan first. After the end of the world, she can go out to look for materials. At that time, rice will be free!

The next one is a dry goods store. Susu bought some tremella, red dates, Coix, Yuzhu, black fungus, medlar, walnut, salted fish and bacon... All of which can be used to stew soup. From now on, Susu can stew a pot of soup every day. Pregnant women have to ensure their nutrition intake, so that their little love can grow strong!

After buying dry goods, Su Su had 20000 yuan left in her pocket. She went to the supermarket by car again. At 9 o'clock in the evening, all the supermarkets in Xiangcheng were open 24 hours. When Su Su Su went, the people in the supermarket were busy. She walked around the supermarket and bought some meat. The quantity was not much. As long as it was enough for her to eat these days, she would buy frozen meat after a while, Then in the electrical area, I took a look at the BB pot of a little white bear.

The green BB pot is a little bit big, but it's very good to cook porridge and bone soup for children. The price is not expensive. It's less than 100 yuan. Su Su Su wants to buy it.

After she bought the BB pot, she became crazy. She only focused on the baby products. Like the n-size diaper and s-size diaper pants, she came with 1000 yuan. She also came with 3456 sets of soft and close fitting clothes, including a water bottle and a milk bottle. She also needed 5 spare ones, as well as various types of pacifiers, milk warmers and Xiaoai's bathtub, Toys, Ru underwear and so on, it cost ten thousand yuan.

The salesmen in the mother and baby area were so happy that they could not shut their mouths. They said that the package would be delivered, and the package would be delivered!

After shopping in the supermarket for several hours, Su Su had only 10000 yuan left. She frowned and thought about it. She still wanted to go to the building materials market tomorrow, so she took a taxi back to the villa. Behind her car, there was the delivery man of the supermarket. Her shopping was full of a minivan. She couldn't drive a truck to deliver it.

Open the door of the villa, wait for the delivery personnel to move all the things she bought into the living room, Su Su looked at the things on the ground, ran to the backyard to pick two grapefruit to eat, and then she fell asleep on the sofa contentedly.

The next morning, Su Su wakes up in sweat. She sits on the sofa, opens her long coat, looks up and touches her forehead. It's all water. The water can fall down her palm drop by drop.

She got up and ran to the kitchen to find a clean water cup. She clenched it with one hand and squeezed it hard. Only a few drops of water fell into the cup from the palm of her hand. Although the amount was not much, it was better than an endless stream.

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