Ch. 90 - Ch. 99

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Ch. 90:

In the bathroom of Qinyue's and ruiruirui's room, Ye Yu continues to play his wordy magic skill like a Tang monk, and keeps walking around Su Su. Ruirui stands at the door of the room, looks at Su Su who bows his head and says nothing, and then looks at Ye Yu who is on the upper body of Tang monk. Then he turns around to find his mother, lies on her ear and whispers:

"Mom, what's wrong with my sister?"

Qinyue is tidying up the materials beside the big bed. They are all collected from other guest rooms. She plans to take them to the car the next day. After listening to ruiruirui's words and looking at the direction of the bathroom, she picks up xiaoruirui and whispers:

"Shh, kid, don't worry about that much."

At first, none of them could see the relationship between Su Su and Ye Yu. But now, under Ye Yu's entanglement, things are a little bit different. It seems that Ye Yu is interested in Su Su, but he makes Su Su unhappy. Now he is chasing Su Su Su and asking why.

Once Su Su has made up her mind to ignore someone, she will be very indifferent, just like Li Ying. Anyway, she doesn't rely on Ye Yu to survive. If she leaves Ye Yu, she has the same confidence to give birth to Xiao AI and teach her well.

And in essence, she and Ye Yu are more familiar than strangers. Well, she went to bed once and gave birth to a child with Ye Yu. No matter how familiar she is, she doesn't want to play with Ye Yu all day long, OK?

Looking at Ye Yu's water heating, Su Su puts water into Qinyue and ruiruirui, gets up and goes back to her room. Zhuo Shijia has already left for another room. She is a little tired. She closes the door, enters the bathroom, and plans to put some water for herself to wash. Then she goes to sleep with the stars outside the window and the howling of the dead.

But the door of the bathroom was opened. Su Su looked up and looked at Ye Yu standing outside the bathroom door in the mirror. The first waves of anger swept up in her heart. She was really haunted. When she was Su Su Su, was she a good friend? She turned around, took a towel and threw it at Ye Yu, full of disgust

"Get out of here."

Ye Yu grabs the white towel hanging on her body, throws it on the ground, goes forward, embraces Su Su's waist, raises it up, sits on the washstand, and looks at Su Su head-on, grits his teeth and asks, with a little light in his dark eyes

"Su Su, stop it, OK? If it goes on, I will get angry. "

"Angry?" OK, come on, hit me, hurt each other, ouch ~ ~ "

Don't cooperate, don't cooperate, Su Su is angry, about to have a big fight with Ye Yu, but Xiao AI is at this time began not to cooperate, her stomach just feel a tumbling, lying on Ye Yu's chest, began to vomit up, not only the stomach to eat in the residual food vomited out, but also the gall water to vomit completely.

Ye Yu was a little angry originally. Su Su was uncomfortable with him for a whole day. Just now, he took the initiative to pester her for so long, but his attitude towards him became colder and colder. At this moment, Ye Yu was going to lose his temper and show his masculine power. As a result, Su Su Su suddenly vomited all over him. Not only that, but his face was as pale as a piece of paper.

As a result, Ye Yu's anger suddenly subsided. He felt a little distressed. Holding Su Su Su's hip, he hugged her, patted her back and apologized. Just like coaxing a child, he realized that Su Su had not vomited so much. Then he gently put Su Su Su Su on the toilet cover, squatted in front of her and brushed away her wet hair, He asked with concern all over his face

"Is it all right? Do you want to see the doctor of the turbid world?"

"Nothing." Su Su white with a face, powerless shake his head, "is you angry."

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