Ch. 370 - Ch. 379

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Ch. 370:

Su Su takes a look and goes to the main room to have a meal. When she returns to the bedroom after eating, Muyang has already circled Xiaoai, lying on the bed and falling asleep. Xiaoai is still in Muyang's arms, holding a small building block in each hand. Her eyes are shaking and shaking with excitement.

At the skirt of her dress, a little red snake showed its head, vomited a snake letter, looked at Su Su, and then retracted into Xiao AI's clothes. It was too cold. It was a little snake and needed to hibernate!

"Boring? Are you bored? "

Su Su smiles and asks Xiao AI. Xiao AI looks at her and shakes her with the building block. Su Su reaches out and hugs Xiao AI out of Muyang's arms. She covers Muyang on the bed and turns her head to Xiao AI in her arms

"While no one is watching us today, mom will take you out to play!"

Then she left a note saying that she took Xiaoai out to see the outside world. Then she opened the cabinet at the head of the bed, took out the already packed mummy backpack from it, tied a waist stool to her waist, tied Xiaoai on the waist stool, finally took a thick blanket, wrapped Xiaoai in the blanket, and walked out of the villa quickly.

On weekdays, not Yip Yu looked at her, Su's father looked at her, or else the whole village looked at her, so that Su Su ran outside every time. It was very inconvenient. Today, it was heaven, earth, and people. She looked at her with an estimate of the miserable sun. Su Su didn't feel like taking advantage of this opportunity to go out and get a wave.

Because the wall of Bafang village has been thickened by Su Fu, and the height of the wall has doubled. Su Su can't walk out of the gate in an aboveboard way. If she goes out in an aboveboard way, it will definitely cause people's panic. So standing under the wall, Su Su Su looks up at the circle of wire and takes a deep breath, He said to Xiao AI, who was already about to fall asleep in the blanket

"OK, it's hard for mom. Mom will take you to fly by!"

Su Su turns around, enters an empty villa near the wall, climbs to the roof of the villa, and makes a long-distance sprint, that is, she jumps from the top of the country villa to the side of the wall. Before she reaches the air, Su Su Su falls down, and an ice floe appears at her feet. She lifts her, and Su Su Su jumps again. Every step forward, an ice floe appears at her feet, A few steps later, she jumped over the fence and the grid!

Outside the fence are all mutated shrubs. In winter, these mutated shrubs fade from the purple red in summer to the green. Although they can still stick out sharp spines when they encounter prey, the speed of the appearance of the spines and their ability to absorb prey are greatly reduced.

However, now Bafang village does not rely on these mutated shrubs to deal with the crisis. Many large and small teams have come to the periphery of Bafang village under the rule of Muyang, and the crisis has to be solved by these teams.

These people, however, only live near the external power grid, and easily do not come into the thick fog. In the thick fog of Bafang village, the survivors led by Zhang Wenyuan are still living.

Su Su's "flying" angle is tricky. She didn't meet a survivor. She walked straight forward in the fog with little love and backpack. After a while, she taught her to walk out of the fog!

Now, in order to make it convenient for people in Bafang village to go out, some road signs have been set up in the thick fog. Only people in Bafang village can understand the road signs. After seeing the road signs, they can grope for a specific direction, and ordinary people can get out of the thick fog.

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