Ch. 230 - Ch. 239

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Ch. 230:

I saw the withered and yellow bush, as if by magic, the leaves quickly turned green, fresh and green color, fortunately, it seems to drip water, the wind blowing, there is a kind of vigorous growth, let people see a lot of good mood!

In a short time, a football big mutant chicken was sucked and only chicken feathers were left. When a gust of wind came, chicken feathers fell on the ground. Along with it, there was a pomegranate seed size crystal nucleus. It seems that the mutant Bush does not absorb crystal nuclei.

Su Su looked at it and thought it was a big problem. The mutated Bush grew very well in the apple villa area because they had maggots to provide food. The food source of maggots was the survivors in the apple villa area... Or the survivors in the whole safe area. This is a food chain.

Now she transplanted the mutated Bush to the wall of Bafang villa. The mutated Bush had no maggots as food source. It was absolute that it would wither and be on the verge of death. So Su Su thought, why don't you feed the bush with mutated chickens???

Now the mutated chicks are so hungry that they take the initiative to attack her. Where is the food source of the mutated chicks? You can't eat vegetables all the time. Sooner or later, the vegetables in Bafang village will be pecked out by the overflowing mutant chickens.

So Su Su has a bold idea. She wants to go to the safe area of LV Yin and catch some mutant maggots to feed chickens!

Just thinking about this, another motorcade drove into the parking lot. Su Su protected her stomach and faced the warm midday sun. When she looked around, the motorcade had stopped. Chu Xuan, wearing a straight dark green uniform, jumped out of the front car and saluted Su Su Su.

Well, she went to this mysterious Bafang village and was found by the people in the safe area within half a month. Su Su thought it was a failure.

She frowned, looked at Chu Xuan came over, and said with a smile: "good interest, what are you busy with?"

In front of Su Su's body, except for a green bush, Chu Xuan couldn't see the chicken feathers on the ground. He stood in front of Su Su with a smile and explained without waiting for Su Su to ask

"I thought that you were coming in this direction that day, so I always sent people to come to you in this direction. I came to you today, and I wanted to arrange a few people for you because I wanted to have a safe life here."


Su Su speechless looked at the long row of cars behind Chu Xuan. At this time, several people came out of the car one after another. Their temperament was similar to those hostages sent by Xie Yaoshi not long ago. They all looked like they were waiting to die.

"There has been a lot of trouble in the safe area recently. Wang ziqiao and Li Ying seem to form a faction. The power vanguard is still obedient, but Xie Yaoshi's people took some hostages from me a few days ago. I think the safe area is not safe either..."

Chuxuan smiles amiably, as if he had been an old friend of Su Su for many years. He feels that Su Su knows what he doesn't mean. Sure enough, Su Su Su's clear expression makes chuxuan laugh even more happily. But before Chu Xuan can talk about it, Su Su Su knows the rules

"It's OK to hide some hostages for you, but how about their living expenses?"

"And the cost of living?" Chu Xuan turns his head around, looking a little surprised. Then he walks up to Su Su and says in a low voice, "let the people around here work for you, and they will pay for the living expenses, but that woman..."

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