Chapter 33

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Crys winced when her head thumped against the solid wood door. Everything had happened so fast that she had no idea what was currently going on. She remembered Deadpool showing up, and she tackled him though the balcony the moment, she could honestly say that she did not know where she was.

She sat up slowly, groaning at the pain in her head now and she blinked, looking around her. She was out in the front gravel, just a few feet away from the fountain and on seeing the shattered front doors, she jumped to her feet.

"Well shit," she said, "Charles is going to make me pay for that."

Suddenly the thought occurred to her that Deadpool was still nowhere to be seen. She spun around and looked at the fountain, turning her head a bit. She saw he was there, she just didn't know which end was which. It was then that his head popped up out of the water and shook frantically as he shouted,

"Whoa! Big tub! I already took my shower!"

He jumped to his feet and whipped out his two blades saying,

"Well, it was more of a bath really. I mean who doesn't like bubbles right?"

He ended this with a maniacal giggle then leaped forward and in one bound, was right in front of Crystal. Her blade formed almost immediately and she stepped back quickly only to find that he paused.

"You know honey," he began, as he scratched his back with one of his blades, "We don't have to do this. You could just hand yourself over and save me the trouble of capturing you."

"Are you mental? Really?" Crys replied.

"Oh you mean crazy?!" Deadpool laughed like a maniac and said, "Yeah I'm crazy! Crazy about this next paycheck!"

With that, he brought down his first two blows, and then the next two to the side. Crys stumbled a moment then shoved her hand out, sending a wave of energy forward and threw Deadpool back a few yards. She shook of the slight dizzy feeling then marched forward angrily, but remembering the dangers of fighting with him. The last time resulted in her letting Crow out a bit, but now that Crow had emerged all of the way, she didn't know if she would be able to control it this time.

She stopped then and watched as Deadpool picked himself up quickly and rushed at her. He let loose a flurry ob blows which Crys had a hard time blocking and when the others made it outside, she had received a deep cut to her thigh. She tripped back and Deadpool drove one of his blades forward as the other came at her from the side. She blocked the side swipe, but was unable to stop the other thrust from plunging through her shoulder. With a scream she fell back as her assailant pushed forward to drive the blade all of the way through her.

"Crys!" Steve rushed at Deadpool, but a quick and bloody blade at Crys's throat stopped him.

"Nice try muscles," Deadpool began, "Move and I'll slit her pretty little throat."

Steve held his ground and Deadpool sighed. Suddenly he swung his blade across Crys's arm and she let out a partial scream, before hold her breath and setting her jaw.

"Get back Captain Jawline or I'll do it again."

Steve had a murderous look as he stepped back slowly and hesitantly. He looked back at Charles and said,

"Why aren't you stopping him?"

"I can't." Charles replied, very confused, "Its as if he has a barrier around his mind."

"That's called a skull Tea n' Crumpets." Deadpool chuckled. He looked around and said, "Yeah, I'm gonna miss you all, but sadly...............I won't."

"What?" Bucky added.

"Don't question my logic Mucky!" Deadpool shouted, pointing one of his blades at him.

"Bucky." Jay said.

"Okay fine," Deadpool added in an annoyed and severely sarcastic tone, "Jucky needs to mind his manners, because he is going to get people hurt."

After he said this, he grabbed his second blade firmly, and drove it into Cry's other shoulder. She screamed again, trying to get the strength to send out an energy wave, but she couldn't, her mind was in a panic.

Bucky set his jaw and Jay stepped forward saying,

"What do you want?"

"I have a list actually." Deadpool responded.

Jay frowned and said,

"What are you being payed for?"

"Well obviously to bring in the cute mutant I just skewered." he paused and bent over his blades whispering, "I promise babe, I'll take you to dinner some time."

Crys groaned and turned her pain stricken face to the others, tears in her eyes. Steve looked down at her, his jaw set, his eyes full of love, sympathy and hatred. If anyone had gained his wrath more than Hydra, it was Deadpool.

Suddenly, there was a burst of what looked like smoke, next to Deadpool and a young man, dressed in all black with scaly green skin appeared.

"Well its about time!" Deadpool shouted. "I could've just ordered a taxi. Hell my pizza would have gotten here sooner!"

Charles cocked his head and said,

"I can't seem to penetrate their minds." he now looked horrified and added, "I don't know what's going on!"

"You don't know a lot of things Bob." Deadpool said with a chuckle.

"His name is Charles." the mutant man mumbled.

Deadpool then wrenched his blades out of Crys, then grabbed her and curled his arm around her throat as the other mutant placed his arms on Deadpool's shoulders.

"Beam me up Scotty!" Deadpool said with a dramatic voice. He looked at the others then at Steve adding, "Bye Captain Hair-Model. So long Lucky!"

In a moment, they were gone and immediately Steve rushed into the mansion, followed by the others.

"Where are you going?" Jay said.

"Cerebro." Charles ended.

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