No (Part 1)

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No TWs yet, but like a veeeeery brief mention of past harassment/assault, and there will be more about it in other chapters of this story.


"Hyunjin, I swear, put your goddamn hand down right now before I smack you," Chan whispered to me harshly.

"But I just want to touch it!"

I pouted at him, my bottom lip sticking out like a child. I reached my hand out again, only for a moment before Chan grabbed my wrist and yanked it away again. But I was determined.

I pulled away from his grip and quickly shot my hand out once more. Just as I was about to graze it though, I felt strong arms wrap around my arms from behind and I was soon lifted off the ground.

"Hey, put me down, bitch!" I protested, whisper-yelling as I flailed my legs in every direction.

"You brought this on yourself, dick," he whispered through my protests.

He refused to let me go, hauling me further and further away with me still wiggling around violently in his hold.

I managed to whack his face with one of my hands just as we made it through the door out of the kitchen, and he let go of me in surprise.

Sprinting back into the room, I thought I was home free, but Chan was faster, and he grabbed me around the waist once again.

He spun us around so that now he was blocking the way to my target and started to walk out again, only minorly inconvenienced by my movements and my whispered protests.

I put my palm on his cheek and attempted to push his face out of the way, hoping to distract him and make him let me go, but all I succeeded in doing was making him kick the leg of a chair, drawing a loud "FUCK" from him in his pain.

We toppled over and hit the ground, so now I was pinned underneath Chan, who was quite heavy mind you.

My eyes locked with Chan's and we stared each other down, challenging each other to make a move. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the boy at the sink flinch from the yell and quickly turn around, taking out his AirPods as he did so. His eyes widened when he saw us.

"Channie, what happened," he asked timidly and a little worriedly, looking like he wanted to avert his eyes from the scene and run to help at the same time.

It was admittedly adorable.

Chan huffed and pushed off of me quickly, standing up and fixing his clothes.

"Nothing, Lix," he huffed once again. "Hyunjin and I were just having a little...disagreement."

He eyed me with disdain as he said that. I scowled at him in return.

"Just—keep washing the dishes while I deal with him please," he said as he pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

Felix stared for a few more seconds, making eye contact with me before he immediately averted his eyes and put his AirPods back in his red-tinted ears. He turned around and started to wash the dishes once again.

All my fight had left me, so when Chan threw me over his shoulder this time, I didn't fight back. I let him carry me all the way to his room and flop me down onto his bed. He locked the door so I couldn't escape and make my way back down to the kitchen.


"Hyunjin, what the fuck," he asked, exasperated.

"What? I didn't do anything," I defended, crossing my arms petulantly over my chest and putting again.

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