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September 1st, 1991

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September 1st, 1991. 12:08 P.M.

              It had been days since the party, and Dallas hadn't shown up for school. Vanessa was increasingly worried when she hadn't heard from him. Even his bedroom window remained shut, and the curtains blacked out.

              It was a half day, so Lindsey drove Vanessa home. They decided not to hangout this afternoon, even though they usually did whenever school let out early. Something was stopping them from wanting to see each other, that being Dallas for Vanessa.

              As dusk fell over the sky, Vanessa napped for a while on the couch. She only woke up when she heard strange noises from next door. It doesn't take long to realise it was some sort of fight.

               Vanessa couldn't hear much, but the things she did hear were between his parents. She stepped out onto the balcony to get a better listen, being nosy by nature, Vanessa had to know what was going on.

              She thought if they were being that loud, then they wanted the entire street to hear. Vanessa stood outside his bedroom window. The curtains were drawn so she couldn't see anything, but it sounded like the argument was coming from the kitchen or living area.

             She closed her eyes and tried to imagine, with the very little memory she had of the one time she visited his house. She tries to remember the layout. Her eyes snapped open when she heard the front door slam, and more voices out the front of the house. Vanessa leaned far over the railing to try and see more.

            His mother had lugged a suitcase to the curb side, and hauled a taxi over. The fight ended as she got inside and drove away.  Vanessa was no stranger to parental fights, so it didn't phase her as much as it would someone else. All she could think of was if Dallas was alright. 

 September 5th, 1991. 1:39 P.M.

            Even more lonely days passed by and Vanessa became increasingly worried about Dallas. He hadn't shown up at school or opened his curtains. She wondered if he was dead, or being held captive.

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