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"Promises of a lifetime hold us back from easing that short time of life".


Taehyung moved from tens of racks of clothes to many more to look through. To find just the right one.

It was funny how our precision and need for perfection reached another level for doing things we'd usually do mindlessly. It was of course not very different for Taehyung though.

The blonde was appreciative of fashion and clothing. His style was unique and he always welcomed new fashion. He didn't fret over what to buy but he was rigorous enough to make sure he wouldn't regret it.

He sometimes wondered just how his stylist managed to align his outfits with his changing tastes and choices. Well, that was their job.

Regardless, He found himself being too choosy and contemplating every piece of clothing he was coming across. He understood the urge but it was still unintelligible. After all, he was choosing for his Hyung. For the man he was so fond of and certainly in love with.

He internally scolded himself for doing this last minute. But it wasn't exactly his fault when he just couldn't decide what he wanted to get for his hyung. And now he had no choice, because he would absolutely have no time later, but to make up his mind.

Hyung's style is so..exclusive, what the hell would he like? He thought to himself. That's when something clicked in his mind and he smiled to himself.



Seokjin crossed his arms as he waited for the other members to come to the dance room after he'd arrived first and already warmed up. They'd been endeavoring for their MAMA and MMA performances and now only a few days were left before the events.

This was supposed to be their final rehearsal before they rehearsed on the event stages and prerecorded certain parts. They'd already done the shootings for the vcr so ultimately it was only the performances that they had to focus on.

Soon they'd be flying out to Hong kong for MAMA.

Not too long after, Taehyung came in and he looked in quite a pleasant mood.

This guy..he seemed so irritated in the morning. Seokjin internally scoffed.

"Ah nice to see you here hyung," Taehyung beamed.

Seokjin made a weird face. "We work and live together..ofc you'd see me here".

"Yeah yeah whatever but I said 'nice'," Taehyung pointed out. "It's not always nice to see everyone but It's always nice to see you,".

Seokjin blushed. He was clearly flustered but he didn't let his guard down. "Perks of having a handsome face, you know", He added the last part in english.

"Guys can you please flirt somewhere else, I just ate right now so I might just throw up," Yoongi commented, startling the two. It'd been a minute since he came in and saw the two conversing. They clearly didn't notice him, both lost in each other, and just hearing those few words was enough for him.

"Yah shut up when did you come in?" Seokjin screeched, clutching his chest.

"When you two were lost in each other," Yoongi smiled. Taehyung, on the other hand, was visibly shocked at how bluntly the latter was saying this. Well he knew the rapper was blunt and straightforward but it seemed like yoongi knew about him and Seokjin.

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