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Taehyung knew that he was being paranoid. The second maknae knew that he could have been stressing over nothing. It all seemed so stupid but his heart wouldn't let go of it.

Ui soo was a friend. More precisely, a brother.

He had been there for the singer during his early years of debut just like the rest of bangtan. He had been there before he got famous. He had shown support for bangtan and promoted them countless times. He had comforted him when Taehyung had gotten upset over people calling him 'weird' and an 'alien'.

He was important to Taehyung.

So when they had talked after so many years and Tae had been comforted by his old friend over the phone, he was more than happy. It just felt good to talk to him again. But Taehyung was a keen observer especially when it came to his loved ones and while talking to Ui soo , He could sense something unusual. Ui soo seemed to sound distant, tired, judging from his voice.

The singer assumed it was the network connection making him sound so distant and that he might have had a tiring day. He had heard his own mother say it numerous times to him when he'd talk to her over the phone after dance practices.

But all of those excuses flew out the window when Taehyung tried to contact him again two weeks ago. Ui soo read the texts Taehyung sent him, his phone was on but he didn't answer. For the first few days tae thought he was busy. On the day the world tour began in Seoul it had been 3 days but then on the day they were leaving for L.A it had been more than a week.

He still wasn't responding. And as each day went by, the second youngest got more and more worried. He had to have had at least 5 minutes of free time. He could have spared a minute to text "Hey tae, I'm busy. Talk to you as soon as possible".

Or maybe he didn't want to talk toTaehyung . But that made no sense to the distressed boy. After all, Ui soo sounded just as relieved and content as Taehyung when they had talked a few months ago.

He honestly didn't know what was going on and He couldn't stop himself from worrying. He couldn't stop thinking about it.

The second maknae was visibly showing signs that something was indeed bothering him. The members could clearly see it especially Jin, knowing the backstory. At first they weren't sure if it was anything major or not but they're doubts ceased when Taehyung tripped at the L.A concert rehearsal.

Of course the younger denied anything being wrong and simply blamed it on his nerves and excitement for performing again. No one was convinced but they let it slide knowing Taehyung was an adult and that he would be responsible.

But that didn't stop the rest of bangtan from keeping an eye on him especially Seokjin. He kept looking at the younger and smiling. Taehyung smiled back each time, reassuringly, to lessen his hyung's worry at least a little bit.

All went well on the first day in L.A. Taehyung had managed to gather himself and focus on the concert. His fans had been waiting for him for months. And truthfully he had been excited and impatient to see his fans after a long wait as well.

To say the least the first day was a success as were the following two days. And so would have been the same for the last day in L.A if not for the mishap that had happened.

The member's attention was obviously on Taehyung from the first day but it seemed that another maknae was in need of a look out. The oldest maknae seemed to be unwell. Even the fans could sense it.

The boys had finished the ending segment with the speeches and had bid armys goodbye before promising to come back again as it was their last day in LA.

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