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The others had reached their designated floor and were leaving to go to their rooms when a muffled shout halted them in their tracks.

Seokjin was right outside Taehyung's hotel room to give him his suitcase but he stumbled backwards in surprise when he heard the shout and realized the source was none other than from the hotel room in front of him.

He looked at the others and Jungkook voiced everyone's thoughts.

"Was that tae hyung?", he asked uncertainly.

"I-I don't know.." Seokjin stuttered out as he looked back at the door that held god knows what behind it.

Before anyone could do anything, Taehyung came out of his hotel room almost bumping into seokjin.

To say he looked terrible was an understatement. But the right word to describe his appearance would have been..broken.

Taehyung's hair was all over his face, but you could see his tear-filled eyes that were red and looked lost. Tears were visible on his red flushed cheeks. His lips were swollen with a little blood on the upper lip from biting too hard.

The second youngest looked at everyone with wide eyes and then lastly sat Seokjin. He couldn't comprehend anything. All he wanted was to get out of here. Without sparing another glance to anyone, Taehyung walked to the elevator.

"Don't follow me." That's all he said before he left.

The six boys stood in silence and shock. Should they follow him? Would he be okay?

"I'm going after him," Jimin said with a stern voice.

"No." Hoseok said, looking at Jimin. "You need rest.".

"But Hyung tae-". Jimin protested.

"I'll go..okay? Don't worry about him. I'll make sure he's alright" Namjoon said reassuringly with a sad smile.

"All of you go in your rooms and sleep. Me and Namjoon will look after Taehyung." Seokjin said, looking at each one of them. "Jungkook, take Taehyung's suitcase".

Jungkook silently walked over and dragged the suitcase to his hotel room. With that everyone left for their rooms in an unsettling and worried mood.

On the other hand, Seokjin and Namjoon went to the lobby in a hurry. It was unsafe for Taehyung to be out there alone. It was still a foreign country no matter how many times they had been there.

Taehyung didn't know English. But thankfully Namjoon did and so when they inquired at the reception, they got to know that taehyung had just left the hotel. They could still find him.

The pair walked out of the hotel building and frantically looked around in search for the younger. They walked for no more than 2 minutes before they had spotted the second youngest.

Taehyung was near the back of the hotel. He was leaning against the wall, his eyes focused on the dark night sky as the lights embedded in the paved ground highlighted his face in a glowing way.

The pair slowly approached the younger as they exchanged worried glances.

Seokjin slowly put his hand on Taehyung's shoulder to not startle the younger. Taehyung, unbothered, continued to look at the sky.

"Tae, what's wrong? Are you okay?" It was a stupid question because the younger clearly wasn't okay but Seokjin had to start the conversation somehow.

Taehyung remained quiet and frozen on his spot. If it wasn't for the blinking of his eyes and the rhythmic up and down of his chest, he could have been presumed as a statue of stone.

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